

Desenfrenadas – 1×06

They do manage to sink into meaningful conversations quite easily. I think it is for a mix of reasons. One is, of course, the way Marcela saves her. There is not enough gratitude for that. The bond of trust between them is instant.

But in terms of communication? First, Vera’s barbs are like mosquito bites to Marcela. She even tells Vera, ‘if you knew the things bad people do.’ Second, Vera doesn’t know her well enough to truly get Marcela riled up.

Vera is good at reading people, and knows how to score her little hits. Not in a truly mean way, but still, with some bite; she calls Carli ‘mantenida,’ when money is obviously an issue for her, she jokes about her armpit fashion choices, when Carli is self conscious about her appearance (she gets upset when Vera gives her the backhanded compliment in the shop).

So Vera knows how to get a rise out of people, but not with Marcela, because she doesn’t know what makes her tick. She only really calls her ‘ratera,’ which I’m pretty sure Marcela doesn’t see as much of an insult (and she even throws it back at Vera). Watch also her reaction to Vera calling her ‘culera.’

And as Rocío says, behind Vera’s walls, she’s a puppy. Once Marcela knows Vera just a bit, she sees straight through her.

And Marcela, with the life she’s led! It’s a survival skill: she can tell almost immediately that these girls have golden hearts. Even from the start, when she was drinking in the parking lot, she chose to approach ~them. In fact, I think she went to Vera first.