Yo, were Seven and Necar’s character exes? Is that what was being implied? How personal was that relationship?
And also is Seven/Raffi possibly a future thing? >_>
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Yo, were Seven and Necar’s character exes? Is that what was being implied? How personal was that relationship?
And also is Seven/Raffi possibly a future thing? >_>
Hmmmm. Well, you were right.
I’m…not entirely sure this will be the end of things, Sully seemed oddly emotional on the phone call. But I hope it is, anyway, even if that means we see a lot less of her and Allison. More interestingly, I wonder how Lucia’s arc unfolds after this. Even if her ultimate love interest ends up being Matthew, she still had a crush on a woman. Actually, it might be cool if in this family with so much to deal with and their really loving relationship, it’s treated as not a big deal at all. I can’t see her siblings or parents reacting badly.
But only two eps left for the season, and with the young kids visiting their parents at the moment, probably not going to see too much more this season.
What, what’s it doing on Youtube… Well, at the least, you can find the Alex/Veronica clips around? Also, SBS, the Australian site, is pretty lenient as far as geoblocks go, most VPNs seem to work for getting access.
Oh, okay, thanks, anon! That might help the other anon. I feel like this is how it’d be for me too, if I’d started with just the clips. Alex and Vero are just so central to the show, it’s just a better experience watching the whole thing. it’s an enjoyable show on its own, but even as just a shipper, their love story is enriched by watching the whole thing. By everything we learn about their characters, by the contrasts between other characters and them, other relationships and theirs. Like, it’s totally understandable that you’d skip the Oscar and Conrado parts, but seeing Alex following Oscar’s footsteps in the first season, the way she seems to helplessly fall for Veronica and Albufera and Sol in the same way, it’s fun to watch.
Not all shows are like that, in Nurses there’s no mention of Ash and Caro outside their scenes, nobody talks about them, we don’t see Ash thinking about Caro away from her, their relationship isn’t treated better or differently from anyone else’s (although I guess it is the first to be brought into the friendship group and treated so domestically), aside from their characters being introduced separately in the first ep, we don’t learn much about them. I do think they’re very cute and I watch the full eps anyway, it’s an easy background watch show, but I’m just saying, I don’t push for watching the whole show for every series or ship. It’s just super rewarding for The Pier.
Lol, no, the Australian network.
Unfortunately, I don’t believe so at the moment, nor Amazon. Just Starz, HBO Go, SBS.
Hmmmm…I see it. Like, not as much as Eliza Taylor (at first) but yeah, I can definitely see it! Kinda that stern squinty eyed thing Larter sometimes has going on. And the eyebrows! Definitely see it.
Ugh, right! But yes, she’s so charming in such a disarming way. Always so watchable!