So Grace comes back to life? I didn’t see the movie before because I accidentally spoiled myself & read that Grace died ?

Uhhh, I–well, I don’t know if you want to be spoiled without watching it for yourself, anon? If you know the premise of the Terminator movies, with the time travel and all, you can kind of figure out how the two things reconcile?

If you really want to know before you watch, I’ll put it after the cut below so you have the chance to decide for yourself if you want to read:

Future Grace, who has traveled back in time, dies. But we see at the end of the movie, Present Grace still alive, as a kid, and Present Dani vowing that this time she won’t let Grace die for her, with the implication that the future CAN be changed and they have multiple chances to get this right and this time Future Grace will continue to live. I actually have a lot of thoughts about this but–you should watch first, heh.

I love Grace having no mercy for Border Patrol. It makes sense both because she’s basically a former refugee, and because those FOOLS aren’t RESPECTING Dani’s OBVIOUS!!! MAJESTY!!!

I mean, she seems to not care about any humans, unless they’re related to Dani, and then grudgingly, Sarah. But definitely a special contempt for Border Patrol. I don’t really see how anybody who’s seen what she has wouldn’t hate everything they’re about, but especially right now for how they’re dealing with Dani and why. 

In one of the BTS vids they talked about the shooting of the detention center scenes and Tim Miller said that the Border Patrol characters were just doing their job, that the movie wasn’t trying to vilify anyone, but you can’t really have it both ways, to say that but then have him tearfully apologizing to the actors for putting them through that scene, and all these European extras be solemn and emotional over the real suffering it represented. It’s not like it’s just an accident that nobody’s to blame for. But I assume that’s more Tim Miller playing the political game there because he absolutely knows what the choice of filming this meant. And in the movie’s universe, there is no way Grace isn’t reacting to the very real atrocities represented by the whole situation. I don’t remember if Legion did the same thing as Skynet, but in Kyle Reese’s timeline, humans were actually rounded up into camps as well, so there’s that element of it too.

I wonder if in the future, Dani told Grace about all this. Actually, I don’t know if the Dani we saw even lived through this particular experience. But present Grace might have been old enough to know what was happening in the camps, before Judgment Day hits, and then so many years later (and then so many years jumping back), realized their threat to Dani in particular. If you grow up idolizing a person and then see how and why she’s mistreated, I can’t imagine you think kindly of the people behind it. It’s kind of funny, in the Terminator scene where you had Kyle reacting to the present, he was overcome with its beauty, but Grace is not really seeing the best of us.

So Olivia does have feelings for Saskia?

You asked this after the third ep and tbh, having seen the whole season by now, I still have no idea. I really thought from the first eps in particular, they were trying to push something. Whether it was baiting or, I suppose more accurately– setting up some kind of suspense for which way Olivia’d go–or if it was real and would have been elaborated on in a potential second season, I dunno. I think it could have been read either way and I was amused at the writers seemingly giving in to the inevitable complete subsuming by KM’s fanbase and acting like the ending was open ended, “which one” did Olivia choose being presented as an actual question instead of a foregone conclusion. If there’s no second season we can feel free to think it was Saskia.