And I’m totally not here for it. The dad isn’t sympathetic. He’s a monster and it pisses me off that they have all these women coming to defend him when he’s clearly disgusting. I think the worst so far has been what they did w Edie’s mom. Having a black woman carry water for a God complex white man who went around sexually assaulting women asdfghjkl SEE THIS IS WHY THIS SHOWS A TRAINWRECK but I’m not invested in it so there’s that. I can’t compare to glee Bc I was gone af for Santana lol (2/2)
Lol, LOOK AT ALL THE WAYS THIS SHOW SUCKS but I’m not mad. 😛 But no, I get you. I think I’m just mad that it’s so egregious and so needlessly so. Like, critics were mad at the first eps at how they’re softballing the dad so like…stop? Surely not all these eps were shot before the first were released? Or maybe they were, it’s hard to remember we’ve only had seven eps so far, it feels like this show’s been going on forever.
The last ep was the first time I was mad at Edie, before then, it’s been a somewhat understandable back and forth for someone who’s closeted and dealing with major identity issues, but we’re supposed to now understand that ep 6, that ambush in court, was Edie “choosing”? Not even just…telling Amanda? After telling her she was falling in love with her? And then going over to hang out with Lorenzo? This is literally why Amanda didn’t want him involved! If you’ve made your choice, cut things off! I don’t know what Edie wants, tbh. And I don’t think the show does either. I think they’ll just do whatever’s convenient for that ep and hope the audience will do the heavy lifting and come up with some reason. We know her mom isn’t homophobic, so is it about…trying to project a perfect image? Is it about not wanting to hurt Tim? But you don’t choose someone to live the rest of your life with and say you love when it’s about not hurting them. Before the affair with Amanda even started she could barely be with Tim. “Sorry you picked such a broken person to be married to”, like, where is the brokenness coming from!
Also, how are we just not really getting any reaction from the kids on how terrible the dad is? Just vague allusions to compartmentalizing, but like, the point should be that it’s barely working, that their disgust and conflict is just suppressed. Instead, it’s like, yay, sisters, and Edie and Julia actually happy that the case to defend their garbage father is going well. Every female character is spending way too much time defending him.
But anywayyy. Yeah. Heh.