What is Gold Digger like as a whole show? My first impression of it was bad title, insulting story to have an older woman with an older man who then obviously has to be a creep and after her money. But that’s just my impression, is there more to it than that? I used to really like Jemima then she stopped being on tv as much, so I’m intrigued to see from your posts she plays a wlw(/lesbian?) character lol.

It’s about Julia Ormond, total hottie, from the Sabrina remake, Legends of the Fall, First Knight, and if y’all recall, her character turned out to be bi in Witches of East End, as a recently divorced older woman and Ben Barnes, who I guess played Prince Caspian in the Narnia movies, as the younger guy into her. Her adult kids (who are all still younger than him!) are immediately suspicious of him and think he’s a gold digger. That’s the plot.

The show is written by the lady who wrote that miniseries, Thirteen, where Jodie Comer plays that girl who’s just escaped from having been abducted for 13 years? It’s one of those soapy thrillers, each ep you discover new things and distrust a new person, there’s a secret that hangs over the family but you also have the mystery of whether or not the guy is really a gold digger. A bit of a spoiler, but it’s a surprisingly positive ending all around, take that as you will.

And yeah, Jemima used to be in a fair number of things from a pretty young age. I guess she’s taken a break here and there, looking at her IMDB. Been pretty busy lately again, so that’s nice, and returning to her Hex roots! She does play the wlw daughter  here, who mostly is on her mom’s side, but is easily swayed by her brothers. Each ep of the series focuses on a different person, although with a large chunk of time spent on the Julia Ormond and Ben Barnes characters (whose names are Julia and Benjamin for some reason), so the first ep is on Julia’s oldest son, the second is on Jemima’s character, and so on. 

do you know the indian webserie ” just a another love story”? it is pretty cool

I believe it’s Nepali? Here’s the link in case anyone’s interested:


I have been keeping track of it, but I’m sorry, I don’t really have the most positive feelings about it at the moment. I was pretty excited from the trailer, but I did not love how things went down in the first ep. 


I really did not like how a big deal was made of how drunk Amara was and Maya herself continuing to point that out and highlight how gullible and impressionable she was in that state and keeping her away from guys and then…sleeping with her? Yes, Amara kissed her first, but wen someone else is a lot more drunk than you, it’s still kind of on you to stop it. 

I had heard that it got better from that but it was tough for me to keep my level of excitement after that. I’m still downloading the eps and will catch up at some point, this is such a big first and so significant and there were so many cute moments and Juliantina and Jathea similarities in the trailer.

Ngl I started watching nancy drew to get a taste of leah lewis’ acting in anticipation for the half of it and ended up loving her and watching nancy drew regularly. the only downside is now waiting for netflix to finally release the half of it is even more torture

Yeah, you can already see the snarky but responsible teen in her. 

@morningmightcomebyaccident went to a Saving Face screening over the weekend and the leading ladies were there but not Alice Wu, apparently because she was working on The Half of It! Not long now.