just wanted to let you know much I loved the gif set you did on hope and Freya!! It’s perfect really thank you for posting it!!

No problem! I love them too, even though I got into TO for Freelin, I ended up really loving the Mikaelson Always and Forever vow and how it encompassed Hope too, with all the siblings ready to sacrifice everything for Hope’s safety. Outside of the drama and soapiness and supernatural elements, that tight family bond is so realistic, the more you go through, the more attached you are. And the more you fight for something, the more you value it, and vice versa.

I kind of love that the way things ended up working out, BOTH Freya and Keelin adore Hope because they were two of the only family members she could even meet safely. And so you end up getting these two very cute moments:


HELLO TDP ANON FROM LAST SEASON THAT WAS SURE AMAYA AND JANAI ARE BATTLE GFS!!! We’ve arrived!!!! My only complaint is WTF I wanted way more Amaya and Janai Bc !!!!!! Who wouldn’t!! But!!!girlfriends!!! Wow tdp sure does love to reveal gays after they’re dead tho, huh? This time in the form of Runaan. And I wanted way more of Queen Aanya, she was great in the bit we got last season. I’m actually bummed about Claudia tho. First 2 seasons made it seem like she’d stick w Soren thru anything…

Heyyyy! Everyone, this is my anon from–well, not last year, but earlier this year! Didn’t we say it’d happen? We said it’d happen! :)))

Last time we had this:


This time we got this:

Look at those smiles! Look at that contented look! They were secretly just asking to hold the other’s hand this WHOLE TIME. 😛

But yes, whole episodes without them, how rude! And they gotta stop doing that dead gay reveal. Rep that exists for moments on screen isn’t as fulfilling as they think. Mhmm, yeah, I guess they wanted to keep Aanya as like the ace in the hole?

I was…pretty angry at Claudia, heh. Like, this stuff is so clearly yikes, and that shields joke, like, haha, my brother and friends in that tiny army we’re going to annihilate, lolz.

So I’m in the middle of rewatching s4 of Killjoys and I still wondering what was the point of turning Johnny Hullen. It felt like it was going to be this big storyline where we’re suppose to question if The Lady was going to turn Johnny or if his connection with Dutch was key to defeating The Lady. There was this build up in the first half of S4 and then that all wrapped up quickly. Do you having any thoughts and what the writers were trying to accomplish with this storyline.

Hmm, ohhh, right, right, the vision she gave Dutch about Johnny killing them all and about to kill her. At first when reading your post I was like, well, it was just a little dramatic arc with heavy but temporary repercussions and eventually led them to figure out how to instantly de-Hullenize somebody, so they could use it to help Delle Seyah give birth, so it served its purpose. But the vision. That and things like Pip and the spider, I think they were meant to create this sense of menace over everything where we weren’t sure how the Lady would manifest when she escaped, who to trust, whether or not it’d come back in Johnny. But you’re right, they never did revisit that. Instead, the Johnny-Dutch connection was used for Khlyen’s story and tracking down Yalena. Thinking back, I was surprised it was dealt with so quickly but pleased. I didn’t want evil Johnny for even longer. 😛