What’s so weird about the Dickinson show is that they gave Emily a het romance….when it’s pretty well known that the real life Emily had no such thing. Did I expect two girls to fall in love in the 1800s and for that to be considered okay? But damn I got like backwards blue balls watching this series. It’s like they wanted us to long for Sue and Emily but didn’t tease it super well, so at the end it seems like Sue is happy she married Austin.
Damn, I guess that’s the danger of poetic license going a certain way. If the show had made it gayer than what’s known for a fact, we’d celebrate it, but because of context, the other way around is, while still up to how people interpret things, going to be viewed unfavorably.
I haven’t seen it yet but
if that actually is the case, it’s pretty sad to see degaying over the years. Even a century later, Whitney, and now this show made on the brink of 2020. I’ve heard some people did enjoy it even on a f/f level, though, so maybe it depends on what you take from it?