You know? I’d been dreaming for years of an show that shows a wlw where there’s a guy involved and is not a total douche. Ethan was that for me

I’ve seen some nice dude third parties over the years, but other than actually helping to validate the f/f ship because that choice isn’t based on the other option being freaking terrible, it’s not really something I pay much attention to. 

Do you mean in the sense that it’s just nice to be able to see someone who, despite their hurt, understands the situation and bows out gracefully, instead of being gross and terrible? That does make for more pleasant watching, it can be almost scary anticipating the reaction when it’s some men. Or is it that IF a guy has to be involved, at least it’s a good person? If you have to watch a love triangle being drawn out, you can understand why she’s with him?

You know, I’ve seen some people say they find it harder to root for the f/f ship when the guy is this nice, but that’s so irrelevant to me? I don’t ship based on the guy or relationship being horrible, I just like the other couple more. It’s not as if sucky dudes deserve being cheated on either. And like I said before, nice men ensure that the f/f ship isn’t about getting away from a person or situation. Actually, people have even said they don’t like that Evan is getting this perfect guy portrayal while Izzie is so messy, but like, how much does that highlight how into her Casey is that she’s still choosing her despite that? I really, really loved that when Izzie AGAIN blew her off and messed up, Casey’s reaction was to mope with Sharice and be like, damn, I’m pining (present tense!) after this hot and cold mess of a person, still focused on her, and no thought of Evan, which, that’s when you’d expect it in many shows. I like that even with this clear contrast, Casey’s made and repeatedly making the choice to be with Izzie.