Answering ask with plot spoilers after the cut:

Anon sid: re: Terminator DF, I went on a whim when I only have a passing knowledge of the films’ lore. My subtext radar is always up high, so I definitely raised an eyebrow at D/G’s interactions early on, but all I could think in my head was ‘Please don’t make them somehow related’ because I’m always suspicious! When the age gap was revealed I facepalmed a little. TBF, it still kind of works one way (Grace to Dani) – especially since to me Grace seemed verging on hero worshipping…

It’s definitely hero worship from Grace to Dani, not viewing her as maternal, agreed. So the worry would be the other way around, Dani viewing Grace as a daughter or something, although at worst it’d be more like a soldier, but remember the expression on Dani’s face when she heard future Grace’s name? OLDER Grace is Dani’s FIRST introduction to Grace. So then her feelings would be more gratitude and friendship, but obviously it’s complicated by Grace being a teen. Presumably there was some distance between them, since Grace grew up thinking of her as the Commander and not Dani. If you want to still treat it as a ship, it can still be done.