Knetz have always been a poison since the beginning…. It’s always been f*cked up… Just social media has a way to amplify anything

It really does. We really don’t know how to deal with this. We didn’t even learn how to behave decently with those we know in person before being allowed access to reach millions at once. 

I keep seeing people talk about how this hellsite perpetuated this behavior or that fandom is toxic or the kind of people on xchan, or reddit and MRAs, heck, Facebook and conservatives, but the problem is the same in all cases, people being just terrible. 

And it’s just so natural to be affected by it. I’m sure there were so many positive comments from Korean fans too, but we see the worst and it gets to us. And many people deliberately seek out not just those most visibly affected but also those they think are just brushing it off. If you’re popular and seem like you’re above the hate, that seems an invitation for people to be even extra vile to you, as if you can “handle” it and it’s fine. I don’t really know how we can fix this, to teach people how to be on the receiving end but also to stop the haters.


I know, it was so shocking and immediately heartbreaking. I don’t really have anything to say except the usual comments about hoping people will think about the consequences of their words and be kinder and that the kpop industry (and the world) takes mental health more seriously but it feels ineffectual and weak and too tragically late. 

If you’re struggling, reach out, there are people who will care.

Big fat Terminator Spoiler to follow –

Thanks for the separate warning post, anon, when I looked at the inbox this was the first ask I automatically saw so I had a chance to decide if I wanted to read the spoiler. 

Which I did. Ah-hah, I see now. Got it! Honestly, I think we were all kind of deciding it wasn’t going to be anything like that anyway or that we’d just not think about it unless it was the case, so I’m just gonna go full speed ahead on the ship……yeah, we still have no name for them, lol.

The Terror: Infamy – 2×10 – “Did something happen tonight? In the war?”