I watch the last terminator movie. i am so disappointed, there is no romance or anything else about grace and dani. maybe it is my fault because i believe there will be a romance between these two.

Aw, I’m sorry, buddy. Yeah, I dialed my expectations way back. In fact, I hear that even some of the more subtexty shots from the trailer weren’t in the movie or they used a different cut. It’s definitely disappointing because it’s SUCH an obvious redo of the first movie, there’s no reason to not go there all the way except…you know. 

We’re in such a strange time where people act like we’ve achieved all these milestones and if we celebrate an actually new one or say we want more, they’re like, uh, it’s normal now, why do you have to call attention to it or how much more do you want. But we’re not getting that much! And every time you think, it’d be so perfect here, maybe there’s a chance it’ll happen, look at the strides we’ve made, and then you realize, no, they’re not gonna got here for Elsa or Terminator or even SC. 

We’ve made a lot of progress but we’re still lagging so far behind. I remember the older days in f/f when it was mostly subtext and fan driven content, and that’s why I’m still going to enjoy this for what it is, but I’m sorry you couldn’t. Maybe it’s cool that we’ve come to a point where our expectations and standards are higher? But I’m sorry we raised your hopes to the point where you were so disappointed, anon.