OMG where did they get those white dresses from?
I actually literally wondered if they had some kind of replicator when I saw the brain/brawn t-shirts. Otherwise I guess they steal whatever they need?
Well, mostly I, too, do not want my theories to be true! But, anyways: had they used only 2 spanish actors in a cast of latin americans it was possible the characters were related. This way they chose the most “mexican-looking” to play mexicans and the blue-eyed girl to play young Grace who could still be passing as american. And maybe the hair-dyeing is a thing that happened because of the enhancement? Idk. Analyzing the cast to prove plot points is always dicey, so I’m guessing we gotta wait.
Oh, I see, I see, yeah, that makes sense. The hair, I dunno, they probably won’t really address it.
Yep, waiting is all we can do. November 1st, not so far away.
Okay, your stance on my theory made me reconsider it and I realized that except two or three people, half of the supposed “mexican” characters are played by Spanish actors (probably because all the CDMX scenes were shot in Spain), so Dani-Grace may not be related by blood. It’s just hollywood using dark-haired europeans to play mexicans, as usual. As for the whole young Grace mystery, I’m guessing it’ll stay that way till the movie comes out. (Also, yeah to Sarah/Grace as a backup ship.)
Heh, my stance was largely based on me not wanting your theory to be true, it has nothing to do with how logically sound it was or wasn’t. And if you’re saying that they’re using dark-haired Europeans to play Mexicans, is that not what you were already saying is happening with young Grace? I don’t get how that negates your theory now. But I’d love to know! Heh.
Yeah, I know that spanish/latina should be different, but they also cast a spanish actor to play Dani’s father. Hollywood only cares that you speak spanish or make a spanish accent. The girl they chose speaks spanish and english fluently and it’s weird they’d cast her, when there’s 100s of US actresses who look a lot more like Mackenzie. My guess is that Grace and Dani are half sisters: Grace is half Spanish/half American; Dani half Mexican/half Spanish. That’d explain Mackenzie not being latina
oh, btw, I hope I’m wrong too! there’s so little space in these asks to make one’s argument, that I tend to come off as a heartless cynic. Either way, I’ll be gay for both separately (Sarah, too).
Hmm, very solid point about why they’d cast this brunette Spanish speaker, given the only really similarity we’d really be looking for is the hair. The sister thing, not so sure about, I feel like the parts that we’ve seen of this whole chase kind of preclude that Dani has a sister out there. If she’s important enough to be in the movie, either they’d be running to her or away from her, right? Though of course the trailer won’t show everything. And they might love that reveal of who Grace is.
The half sister part and explanation for why they’d hire a white woman…that’s a bit convoluted as a justification. Not on your part, but theirs. But definitely not unheard of.
And no worries, you’re not coming in as someone deliberately trying to crush the gay. I guess we just wait.
I think, there’s a 90% chance Dani and Grace are related. The actress playing young Grace is a spanish actress and there’s pictures of her and Linda dressed in normal clothes, so she’s already like 11 to 13 in 2022. That means the post-apoc future is very close, but also that young Grace is someone Dani probably knows as a child. So even if there’s no blood relation, it would be super weird anyways and it would explain the affection Dani shows in the trailer as a non-gay thing. Unfortunately.
Oh, huh, that’s some good detective work, anon. Dammit. Except for the part where young Grace being played by a Spanish actress implies that Grace is at all supposed to be Latina or Hispanic, because Mackenzie…ain’t. I was going to question your jump from young Grace being present to her being someone Dani knows, but it’s a fair guess. It would explain some things.
But anon, I hope you’re wrong. 😛