Riot Girls (2019)

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Riot Girls (2019)
Damn, since you sent this late last night, you must have read nonstop. Glad the ending didn’t send you reeling, BUT! Anon! Were you warned? Instead of being COMPLETELY blindsided? Like one poor innocent reader who had NO IDEA what was about to happen and blithely read the ARC she trusted with her foolish girlish heart? Hmmmmm? 😛
But yes, the need I had for the sequel upon finishing! I don’t even think there’s a date, although, there are titles! Not just for the second, Harrow the Ninth,
which you probably saw at the end of this one, but the third one is called Alecto the Ninth?? What is that?? Who is that?? Did I miss some random mention of some being who’ll become significant? Is it like, a combination of Gideon and Harrow?
Oh, I just checked again on goodreads, Harrow the Ninth, June 2nd 2020. That’s…not that far from now? I had to literally check my desktop calendar to make sure this year was 2019, it feels crazy that the sequel’s coming out in less than a year? I’d expect, if June, of 2021. The second Teixcalaan book will come out 18 months after the first one. But maybe part of the reason it took so long for Gideon to come out was the polishing up of the next one? And it’s almost ready? …assuming the date’s even correct, of course. Heh.
But anyway, I loved Gideon the character, and I absolutely need her to be a major part of the next book.
Bachelor in Paradise – 6×12
Heh, awwww, yeah, the fandom’s keeping it afloat! If anything, though, doesn’t it feel stronger now than back then? But maybe I just think that because I didn’t ship it at all back then. I wasn’t aware of it as a ship and wouldn’t even suspect I was gay until after the show finished. And then I read good ole Boston Marriage and was like…you know whattt.
You have read The Best of It, right? Just in case the early ‘00s really were your last time with them, I don’t want you to continue living without it in your life
(i want you) for worse or for better – Gilmore Girls; Rory/Paris; 1,800 words. Soon after the events of “Fall,” Rory pays Paris an impromptu visit.
Read it: [AO3]
It’s raining when Rory shows up on Paris’s doorstep. Really raining. Noah’s Ark raining. I love you in a romcom raining.
She has a key in her purse, but she doesn’t use it. It feels more right like this, for some reason: waiting here to see if she deserves to be let in.
Paris is the one to open the door. She’s rocking an annoyed expression and pulling a beige cardigan closer around herself.
“You deserve better,” Rory says as she shivers from the cold. And the wet. It’s seriously wet out here. Her hair is already soaking, and she’s only been out of the car for a minute.
“I thought you were pizza,” says Paris.
Ahhh, that’s right! It’s outtttt today. That’s exciting!
It is! Isn’t it? It’s funny in a way that really worked for me, so irreverent and modern amid like, very classical gothic scifi. I highlighted so many lines like that. Especially for Harrow, who I adored. The humor was the throughline for me and the strongest justification for keeping it as a rec no matter what else happened.
Lol, it really was!
It’s pretty neat when you have her be so endearing and fun outside of being part of the First Same-Sex Bachelor Nation Couple Ever. For me, who’s watching just for her, but she’s also making such a strong case for why she was allowed to stay on the show to the rest of the viewers.