Aw, whoops, but then isn’t it better for your bedtime that the full book wasn’t available? Hmm? And in my defense, anon….in my defense:

I mentioned it in the tags, heh.
But yeah, I was so ready to be–well, not let down, exactly, but given a reality check. The book was so lauded and the ratings so high, I was like, it cannot be as good as all that. And it was!
It’s sooooo….different? I know people have said that in their reviews but I was like, they’re just saying that, but it’s just so confidently different? Like it’s just decided this is how things are going to be and we just have to accept it? This is the escape attempt we’re going to land in the middle of, this is the dirt everywhere, this is this planet, this is the incredibly dickish other girl who’s kind of endearing in how young and HOW AMAZINGLY AWFUL SHE IS, like, I wanted Gideon to punch Harrow in the face but also? I love Harrow.
And then the rest of the story unfolded, in maybe a familiar way after all, I was telling a friend that it’s like the typical manga/anime/YA competition with a bunch of cool characters from cool places going to fight it out, but that is not at all a bad template to use. Basically, it’s really interesting characters with an interesting dynamic in a proven fun scenario. September (!) cannot come soon enough.