
replied to your post

“This week’s SVU is actually the worst episode ever made by a long shot”

go on

  • it’s about a clear Ilhan Omar surrogate (with a bit of Huma Abedin sprinkled in) and also clear analogues of the Covington Catholic MAGA youths
  • in spite of Fake Ilhan being the victim of a rape, the whole episode is about how Fake Ilhan is hugely antisemitic and intentionally provoked the Fake MAGA Youths into appearing to harass her so Fake Buzzfeed could publish fake news about it; she antagonizes them by yelling direct quotes from Ilhan Omar’s twitter in a mocking tone mixed in with lines about how evil is in Jews’ blood or whatever, and then Fake Buzzfeed only shows the part where the Fake MAGA Youths (who are Jewish in the episode) get rightfully angry at her words
  • they never investigate her attack and instead try to discredit her the whole time, including investigating her calling Fake Buzzfeed before the protesters arrive to catch it on video, which is not a crime at all and definitely not a sex crime
  • she’s a secret lesbian and gets caught in a lesbian bar in Queens ordering “a dirty martini, extra dirty” with her hijab off *gasp*
  • her Muslim ex-husband assaulted her and it’s because of sharia law somehow
  • the DA pulls out a Quran during the trial to hold up while getting the husband to admit he did the rape because sharia law
  • when Rollins finds out Fake Ilhan is a lesbian Muslim, she says she shouldn’t run for office if that’s the case, and nobody challenges her on it
  • after the trial, Fake Ilhan’s parents confirm they still love her even though she’s gay, and then a random Muslim man comes out of nowhere and throws his shoes at her face; the last shot of her in the episode is her sitting on a bench bleeding from the head

This is so horrible in so many ways, insulting to so many different groups, I can’t even begin to explain how cruel it is.