Giveaway: A Memory Called Empire

Giveaway: A Memory Called Empire

Giveaway: A Memory Called Empire

Giveaway: A Memory Called Empire

Cosmo’s stolen @justqueeerious’s job and just put out an actual Juliantina cover shoot.

How can I ask a request? Your favorite Juliana’s not standing Val sad face

What a tough question, anon… I love them all. It is one of my absolutely favorite things in the show, that this tough girl who tries to put up so many walls and hide all vulnerability is not only so affected by Val’s sad face but openly shows it and immediately tries to make things better.

I guess my favorite would have to be the first one.


I truly love hospital era and I have a soft spot for these eps, they were among the first I watched live. Everything seemed so fresh and nascent, both because it was new to me and because they themselves were in this maybe place, not together but had kissed, distracted by Lupe’s shooting but no longer to the point where it stopped further development.

And in that moment, when they weren’t even officially together, Juls could so easily have minimized what Val was upset about, that it was so minor, pretended it was at Val not getting her way, that she had every reason (excuse) to continue putting it off, her mom was still badly hurt, the narcos could come back, it wasn’t fair to ask her to talk about her feelings when Lucho still being around made it clear where Val stood.

But Juls simply couldn’t do that. She knew it wasn’t about Val not getting her way.


Val was upset because it felt like Juls was dismissing her. And thus it was so unthinkable to Juls that Val feel even a little bit sad, she was willing to do the thing she was most afraid of, confront her feelings and lay them out in front of the person who could most hurt her, just to stop that look.

Hi Boo, Do you work in the psychology or human behavior fields? Because your character analyses are pretty deep and thoughtful and my inner mess is utterly grateful when they come up in my feed.

Whoa, that’s super flattering, anon. Thank you! But no, not at all. If anything, even though we’re learning how inaccurate the right-left brain model is, I’m totally a logic/hard science kinda person. I went through school loving math and barely scraping by in English and anything else requiring analysis. 

But I guess we’re not talking about analyzing from that point of view, right, metaphors and motifs and themes and all that? In terms of looking into character motivations, I start from a place of loving them both and reason backwards from that. And in general, I tend to approach other people (and characters) as having reasons that make sense to them for things they do, it’s not about me or what I’d do.