100% Lupe helped Juliana do her hair before she went to the TV station.

I’m so here for fully on-board shipper Lupe, being all, she just declared her love for you on TELEVISION, Juli, you can’t go looking like that! There’ll be reporters and CAMERAS. 

Omg, omg, do you think the news people AIRED THAT CLIP OF THEM MEETING? Of Val freezing and forgetting how to breathe when she saw Juls and then being super romantic and then the hand holding and then them walking off together? God, I want to live in that world.

aa!! i got a memory called empire from your giveaway and im in love!! but also these names are all so wack. anyway I just wanted to say thank you so much for doing this, i never would have been able to actually get the book unless i waited until christmas and by then there would be 100 more books and ive been so excited to read it and im so grateful for you and the giveaway

Oh, wow, I’m so glad you were the person who won, then! You’re totally welcome, I just find it a fun way to engage with books I like. I hope you enjoy it, it was a book I liked the simple reading of, not just to get to a reveal or the end.

The names are super weird, right?? But you get used to the Number Noun format eventually, at least, if only because they’re at least familiar words. I found the Stationers’ names harder to remember. But the writing is so clear about context, you’re never confused for long. And I totally forgot to mention this but my gosh, the level of linguistics and literature work and research that went into this! In a way, the consistency that comes from that makes it easier to remember too.

I CANT BELIEVE THEY HAD THIS SCENE THE ENTIRE TIME. If this was just in line w my theory that they cut all kisses/romance Bc it was a Sunday finale w a wider audience, I completely fail to understand why they didn’t release this when everyone was pointing out the lack of a kiss lol this was CLASSIC romantic Juliantina even without a kiss, and we got the cute lil cuddle. These girls. Juliana looking hot af. Omfg. Also ouch Maggie Sawyer feels “can’t imagine my life without u in it” these girlllls

I KNOW. It was perfect! 

It was so good that even if they cut it, which obviously sucks, it still feels really nice as a fan because we’d so known something was missing and it just felt so jarring to think the writer/director had simply decided there didn’t need to be more for them. And now we know for sure that wasn’t actually the case. Their story did include this very fitting reunion for them, the theme kicking in, the not caring who knows aspect, the romance, just stuck in their own world for a bit, finally deciding to be together after all those times they couldn’t be, and a handhold and even a hand smooch to cap it off as they walked off into the proverbial sunset.

The delete scene reminds me of the scene when lupe catches them and juls declares their love.? why did they delete it??

 I can only imagine for time, but it wasn’t even that long a scene! Just cut that many seconds off from something else? I keep on saying, out loud, wtf. It adds so much and the absence does nothing, it doesn’t make anything connect better. At least put it online?? 

What gets me is how many of us had headcanoned something so close to this, because it was building to it so clearly. So clearly that the lack of it was felt so intensely. And it was just so important to them, to finally have them decide to be together with everything out in the open, their families and the whole world knowing. They even had a reporter asking Val about the LGBT community, one of the very things we had speculated about!