I started watching in the dark and proven innocent Bc of your gifsets and I’m actually enjoying both so far, but I feel like both are gonna blow up on me eventually lol. In the dark Bc it’s the CW so that’s on brand, and proven innocent Bc it really does have an ominous thread to it. Maybe Bc I’m in shock that a show has a bi lead in a same sex relationship and she’s actually the main character and it seems too good to be true?? Plus the premise of the show?? But I already love Wren…
Oh, because of my gifsets? I’m flattered! But this is why I never actually straight up recommend the shows I gif, you just never know!
Actually, in the case of In the Dark, it feels rather not like a typical CW show? Not that that helps, in this case, that might actually be worse. But in terms of what’s on brand for the CW, the worst their f/f rep has suffered since 2016 (when they learned a LESSON) is poor screentime and lack of focus. No death and none of the especially offensive tropes. We can never be sure that might not change, maybe they (like other shows recently) will decide three years was enough of a moratorium, but I don’t fear a f/f death on the CW any more than any other network. And the ship here is so background, I don’t really see them getting much drama.
Proven Innocent is a very weird case. Like you, I am bewildered by how oddly central the f/f is. But at the same time, they do seem to minimize Wren herself. It’s almost as if Maddie having a gf is more important than the gf herself. But then other times they do focus on them together and her relationship with Wren kinda needs Wren to be present. It’s ominous, I think, because it’s such an earnest show that tries to cover such difficult topics and for them to matter, the stakes have to be high, so there’s no happy ending waiting.
But I don’t regret starting or watching them. I didn’t actually know there was going to be f/f in either when I started, which helps loads, watching a show for its own sake and not f/f, but also, I didn’t do anything wrong by expecting the shows to behave decently. If they mess up that’s on them.
Like, your question made me think about The Purge and Star, from which I giffed f/f that later went south. And looking back now, it’s easy to say, how did I expect them to be better, but I’ve really come to dislike how we put the blame on ourselves, “Why’d, I get into this? I should have known better, it’s my fault really”. As the stories were happening, they really did sell these pining, romantic ships. Not perfect, there was cheating and angst, but it was The Purge and Star, that’s just everything was. And then what went wrong wasn’t because of the cheating or angst, they just abruptly and with terrible writing, ended them. That’s on them.
I can’t just not watch everything in case it goes bad, then I’d watch nothing. And right after The Purge and Star, I got into a pretty goshdarn great ship, and I’d have missed a lot of the fun of watching a story unfold live if I’d waited to make sure it was “safe”. And even when I’m tentative about things, like I was with Will & Grace (and both these shows you mentioned, tbh), I’d still rather watch live and get at least some enjoyment before there’s nothing left to enjoy.
That’s me, anyway. I fully get that other people have other approaches and maybe for you, the comfort of knowing the fault is on the writers isn’t enough. I’ll keep giffing, in that case, and will let you know if a season ended in a good place. 😛
Is there a ref I’m not getting that made you caption that star trek gif set for 2×14 as Star Wars, or was that just a goof?
…a goof. I have no idea how that happened, thanks for pointing it out!
Can I ask? Would you know? How the heck did everyone realize there was a missing scene? Were someone from Puerto Rico and someone from Mexico comparing notes? How the heck?? I’m so curious now, did the viewers in PR come away with a much more satisfied feeling??
Well, fans from all over watched through youtube as the clips first aired in Mexico, right (with some people waiting until the few extra days until it aired in Univision, but then still viewing the zeroty clips). So just as people who’d watched online and then watched live in their own country were able to see for themselves when scenes had been cut like in Peru, Colombia,and El Salvador, I guess some Puerto Rican viewers were like wait, wait, this is not in anything I’ve seen online before.
That’s a good question about that feeling of satisfaction… It’d be hard to compare. I imagine if you’re the type of person to be invested heavily in Juliantina, you’d already have watched the storyline? Even if you discovered it while watching TV, if you super loved them, you probably at some point would have looked them up online to see what other fans were saying. And you must admit, a major part of the fun has been in sharing it with the fandom? So like, if you were in a place to be completely unspoiled by the time the finale aired and were able to watch it as the full real version, it’d probably mean something different to you? I suppose there would not be many people who were intense shippers who also remained unspoiled by the time they watched the finale. They would have probably felt pretty good about the end but I gotta tell you, I’m feeling pretty good right now too, lol. They didn’t even know what they were missing, we were able to get a missing scene a month and a half after!