I’m glad you liked it! Okay, so part of me wants to say, if you liked something, you can still like it however it gets things wrong or makes decisions people don’t like, and I do think that, but it’s also very kind of you to check in and make sure that it’s not mean or harmful. And it’s fine. Great, even, I know there are local critics who think it didn’t do enough, but that’s something else. It got a lot of things very particularly right for the story it was telling.
And…same anon?:
Sweety is so beatiful. Is she a big name in India?
Sonam Kapoor is gorgeous and yes, actually, she is huge in India. Partly because she’s her famous father’s daughter, but she is just that good-looking and a bit of a fashion icon herself, so is one of the highest paid actresses in Bollywood.
That movie is so funny. Is like a fuck you heteronormative.
Haha, it is. In a rather unusual way, setting up that first half and then flipping everything.
Men need to be more like Sahil.
In the first half, he was a well-written character, not perfect, not mean, but he had his crush and was focused on that, but I really like how when Sweety actually told him everything, this was his first reaction:

The whole situation was reframed for him completely, there was no wistfulness or “if only things had been different” and “are you sure…?”, just plain, oh, got it, so how can I help you, friend? Again, as with the complaints about how the movie could have focused more on the LGBT, I can understand the complaints about why is this guy getting so much play, why is he getting to be the hero, but it’s very much a story about setting up role models, how to behave in this situation, as allies, as family. And we can’t say it’s not needed for that audience as well.