Juliantina are a game changer in so many ways. I didn’t invest any time in voting in a poll Bc I was cool with where Juliantina are. We got an amazing story, Barbie & Maca keep feeding us well, we’ve gotten press about them and they even got in cosmo. We got a photoshoot. This must be what straight ppl feel like all the time lol. I voted a couple times Bc it’d be cool for Barbie/Maca to see that we appreciate their work, but I think we’ve made that beyond clear many times already so I’m good lol

Yeah, I guess we such a specific history with fandom polls, right, going back to Glee times, where they’ve provided the one opportunity to go up against other fandoms and be heard? Because we’re drowned out by m/f and m/m fans in every other context and outnumbered even here but we’re the hungriest. We vote for own selves to be validated in some way. 

And people may have wanted to carry that on, but this has definitely been one of the rare times where a f/f ship has so many things already going for it. And if it’s to thank them, well, as you said, we’ve done that in many different ways already.