You just drop random mentions of books in your tags, and getting me all curious ?and then I find out it doesn’t come out until summer ? thanks, I guess ? if you don’t mind me asking, do you mostly use Amazon/Goodreads? to keep track of your to be read/read books?

Haha, get a load of this one’s release date.

I preordered it in December, promptly forgot it existed, saw it on a new rec list recently and tried to preorder it like five times until I realized Amazon was telling me I’d already done so. 

But at least it’s almost summer already? I hadn’t even noticed the date for This is How You Lose the Time War, I was too busy trying to figure out if it was f/f or not. It was up front about being a romance but so coy about the genders, I had to look through so many blurbs and tweets till I finally found a review that said it was two women. And it’s not like I need books to be f/f, my two most often recommended don’t have any, but if they have a romance? Yeah, actually, yeah, then I do. 

I guess I use Amazon for remembering? I don’t read enough to really need to keep track of things but I signed up for Goodreads under my real name and then couldn’t put the gay stuff. Downloading Kindle samples is effectively my “to read” system and I started keeping track very recently of books I’ve already read as a plain text list.