Hey. Sending hugs to you tonight because even though I have chosen not to watch it, it’s still breaking my heart ? #kana

Thank you, anon! That genuinely means a lot. I didn’t watch either but I was following reactions and then the subsequent arguments that sprung up and have been stewing in my own anger and hurt since, so your gentle sympathy is very welcome.

There’s no point in repeating all the reasons it sucks, we all know them already, but the worst is always all those people who jump in to claim we’re overreacting and to get over it. And then we have to go back to the rest of media that’s filled with het. Usually I’m fine with that and feel so pleased and lucky every time I see new f/f, but right now, I’m the opposite, just resentful at the imbalance in quantity and quality. How we have to scrounge for every bit of subtext, make excuses for poor writing and no screentime, celebrate the tiniest things.

At least we’ve gone through it enough to know it’s just a temporary state? 

ooh i feel like Juls would be pretty reserved and serious at work too, so ppl would be like ahh Stoic Creative, but then when Val rocks up Juls gets all soft and all her colleagues are like WHO is this soft bean. is orange tree good btw?

I agree with that.

Juls with everyone else:

Juls with Val:

But really, she does warm up a lot to people she knows and I bet she’s beloved at work, but the way she is with Val is next level, you can’t even compare it to Lupe. Val just opens up something in her and allows to be in a way that nobody else does.

I actually have been enjoying Priory of the Orange Tree a lot! It’s very traditional epic fantasy, you got your dragons, you got your magic, you got your magic swords, you got your detailed worldbuilding, and it’s well-written enough that I’d have enjoyed it just on the basis of that but I cannot deny that the f/f really elevates it. A legit slow burn between the two most interesting and important characters, who happen to be women? I loved them and I loved the romance. And it was a slow burn, I’ve heard people say the romance doesn’t start till halfway through (which, it’s an 850 page standalone) but the dynamic starts noticeably changing much earlier than that, in such a delicious oh-you-two-have-no-idea kind of way.

How do you think a jealous Valentina would play out? Imagine her visiting Juls on the set of a magazine photoshoot for her designs and seeing some model being a little too friendly with her chiquita lol

Ooh, I kind of don’t love strong jealousy plots, I don’t like what they say about a character or relationship and I definitely don’t like a character I like feeling hurt and upset and poor Val’s already gone through it with the whole Sergio fiasco, as messed up as that all was for the three of them. 

But if we’re considering it in a light-hearted playful way, then I don’t even know if Val would notice? She’d probably be like, well, obviously everyone loves Juls and happily bound up to them and it would be the model who would see Juls light up in a way she doesn’t for anyone else and she would Realize and slink off and the other models would all be like, told ya.

Even if Val did notice, things would probably play out similarly, except her approach would be a bit more deliberate, maybe a handhold or shoulder squeeze and there’d be just a hint of a challenge as she met the model’s gaze and of course Juls wouldn’t have noticed anything and she’d brightly introduce Val and the model’d know she had no chance. 




Mi Princepe Azul

releasing this to the void cos we all need it—HAPPY VALENTINES DAY <33

[Image: fanart of Juliana Valdés and Valentina Carvajal from Amar a Muerte. Juliana is clad in a blue old-fashioned prince outfit and kneeling to place her hand on Valentina’s cheek, the latter wearing a long red princess dress.]