I noticed you were one of the few juliantina blogs that didnt freak out over maca’s photo shoot with bridget. What did you think? It legit made me sad bc it felt like a betrayal (not to juls, but Barb) and I hate seeing the fandom tease her about being jealous that the photoshoot wasn’t with her. I get that maca’s career is further along, but I wonder if the tables were turned and everyone started shipping barb with someone else, how maca would react…

Ah, actually, anon, I did like the photoshoot. As you might have noticed, I usually just post original gifs, not many reblogs or pics. If you look at my likes, that’s the real indication of my interests and those were full of the photoshoot. I actually thought it was a really fun collision of a bunch of things and good for both fandoms. 

And when you think about it, its very existence, a wlw conducting a photoshoot with a queer actress from a f/f ship from a Netflix show and an actress from a f/f ship from a Mexican telenovela, that would have been unthinkable just a year ago. In fact, it happening now is amazing. That’s the kind of thing to look at. The actor dynamics you’re looking at, those will evolve and change in time and aren’t for the fans to be concerned about.

Even now, you sent this some days back and I assume Barbara being open with fans yesterday probably already made you feel better. But really, anon, don’t think of it that way…at all. Especially in terms of jealousy and like…shipping? Wanting more on Barbara’s behalf, not wanting her to be teased, that’s a nice show of empathy, but don’t go too far and read into it when it’s not yours to read into. Whatever your suspicions, which might be more wishful thinking than anything else, doesn’t it do Barbara and Maca a disservice to not take them at their word? It is 100% true that sexuality is complicated and heteronormativity exists and all that, we all have our experiences and we’ve watched these stories in fiction, but it’s so not a fan’s or even a friend or family member’s place to insist on that when it comes to a real person. I would suggest taking quite a step back and focus on what they’ve been generous enough to share with us and not go beyond those lines.

u know the zimbio poll got me feelin nostalgic about older ships (have i rly done the great migration so many times??) and of the rly popular f/f ships on US tv i don’t think we’ve ever been treated so respectfully as with Shoot.. like yea it was angsty and harrowing, but so was the show. amy and sarah just be having that chemistry and we were like “they in love” and the writers were like “dang u right”, and it was the 2 female leads!! and the writers/fandom got on so well.. miss them

I don’t share the same opinion on the ending as a lot of the fandom, but that aside, you know, I think you’re probably right. I JUST finished posting about subtext vs canon ships and what Shoot was at the start, that particular evolving connection between two central women, has been such a mainstay of f/f shipping. That it became canon and in a way that respected the characters and the show fulfilled something that we’d been waiting such a long time for.

Yeah, going through other ships, let’s see, I know Brittana had that joke and then became canon, but that wasn’t after years of developing an integral relationship. Lost Girl had a ship introduced at the start that became endgame but there wasn’t the same buildup and there was the on/off nature (and plus, it was Canadian). Also, it is kind of important to this discussion that they did start off as an intentional ship. That isn’t bad, at all, in fact, the opposite.

I remember this as a small debate a while back, endgame ships vs unplanned ships based on chemistry. People were like, I don’t really care that much about endgame ships, give me something where their dynamic is just so good and their chemistry so undeniable. But that was mostly because people were realizing the endgame ships were the same old white m/f ships that often paled (lol) in comparison to underrepresented subtext ships. There were substantial f/f fandoms built on exactly that, Swan Queen, Bering and Wells, Faberry, aside from the big ones of the ‘90s and ‘00s (and earlier…Blair/Jo, anyone?). And also Shoot, until, one day, the writers went there, and with care, not simply a one-off or fanservice, they made it a part of the main plot. That was so particularly satisfying in a way I’m not sure people who weren’t part of old school f/f shipping can understand. To feel as if it’ll never happen, to know it, to have experienced that again and again and again, knowing all the reasons why it won’t. And then it DID. 

And to be clear, I know that Doccubus wasn’t actually supposed to be endgame, it was always canon but only later became endgame, which is also very cool in its own way. But the jump from never gonna happen subtext to canon is still–OH. Korra! Remember that feeling? That’s what I’m referring to, lol. Hmm. Pam and Tara on True Blood also? I didn’t watch but I remember my dash celebrating and it’d been quite unexpected. Funnily enough, Gail and Erica on The Last Man on Earth is one of the only cases I can remember where two first season characters get together later on. But Shoot’s treatment, until the end, did stand out.

As much as I love that feeling, much of it comes from the belief that a f/f ship can never happen, which is not a great feeling. Ideally, I would love to see more intentional endgame f/f ships, with thought and care behind them, of course.

I don’t do fandom polls specifically because they tend to get toxic and competition is not what I want out of my entertainment but I want to jump in here and say that Katie has always been super accepting of her gay fans and Melissa has been pretty gracious with supercorp shippers, and has been happy to sign fanart and such. I really hate these so and so is homophobic rumors because it sucks for kids to think their faves hate them…

Oh, yeah, that’s important too. I totally forgot that that was even in the ask because I had no idea about any of it, but thanks for the clarification. And also, even if had been true, shipping to spite actors is not a bad reason. >_>

I don’t get WHY people voting for a ship in which the show as explicitly portrayed both characters as straight?? When there’s a ship that is actual representation? One of the actors from the Supercorp ship has been vocal about her aversion to said ship. While, both actors from the Posie ship, an actual queer relationship, are supportive of the relationship. Why are people picking something that isn’t actual representation over ACTUAL REPRESENTATION?

Well, they’re not voting for best rep, they’re voting for their favorite ship. If you were truly voting for best representation, would you actually pick Posie? Actually, lemme go see what the other ships are, I have no idea.

Okay, right, you could say some of these are better than Posie on paper? More screentime, more story, etc? So then you realize how little sense it makes to go by the metric of Better Representation? That’s a never ending and totally pointless competition. Totally pointless. 

Those conversations are super relevant, absolutely, but on a more macro level, discussing trends and stats. Why do people as a whole gravitate to this thing or that thing. People will like what they like. Why they like them, again, tackle that on a macro level, but you can’t just use those arguments to say one specific ship is better than another specific ship because…does that ever work? Will somebody who’s invested in a ship suddenly drop it? Well, that depends on if your goal is just to declare your ship better or if it’s your goal to actually reach people.

We’re basically continuing the same ship wars as always, just with different vocabulary. This ship is better because it’s canon, because it’s got POC, because it’s same-sex, because the actor is queer in real life and on and on. Certainly there are traits in characters and ships that are rarer and that make them naturally more valuable to us, since they’re usually rarer because people deliberately were not writing them but again, trying to tell someone what to ship will never work.

And anon, I think you must not know me at all, because I have a ton of subtext ships. I could talk about the historical significance of subtext ships for underrepresented groups or why a dearth of screentime and plot still pushes people toward them even in the presence of canon ships but at the end of the day, people will like what they like, and this is surely the one space where they can be allowed to? 

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