There wasn’t a lot of interaction between Chivis with Lucho and Sergio, but judging by how Chivis acted when Val first told her that Juliana was coming over she didn’t seem like the biggest fan of the people Val surrounded herself with. When Val said a friend was coming over Chivis was a bit apprehensive, but when she said it was a new friend Chivis was really happy. This was right after Val drowned and im guessing Chivis didn’t want people around who encouraged her drinking problem 1/2

2/2 but then Chivis had that vision of Juliantina being chased by who she told her husband she thought was the police and then it all went downhill from there. It’s so unfortunate because our bb Juliana didnt deserve that judgment but because of how obviously unstable Val was at the time everyone was defensive to the point of being patronizing and infantilizing her & some of their class prejudice made it even worse for Juls. The ppl who cared like Leon came around. I think Chivis would too 2/2

Yeah, but she never took those other friends aside and told them to cool it, did she. And we’d know for sure if she did because they’re the kind of people who would make a big deal about it, which is exactly why she never did it. But Juls sober, well-behaved, poor Juls, oh, she’d be more receptive to a quiet whisper. Like, fair enough, she thought she was protecting Val, but so quick to jump to the worst conclusions when it was about Juls. 

Still, much of that was to set up a bit of conflict that they could then get through. And I’ll take that over some of the other drama, lol. She’d have to get over it, because there’s just no other choice, she loves Val and Juls is going to be in Val’s life forever, so.

But i dont want her to treat her badly, id never want or expect that from juliana. Shes too much of an angel That said, i just want her to make out with valentina in front of her ? jdjdjd but i get u, i get u i just cant stand anyone who dares look at juliana weird or treats her wrongly or thinks less of her for absolutely anything hdjfjf

Oh, gotcha, gotcha. That protectiveness over Juls, I totally get. One of the first people to pile onto poor Juls and her motivations coming purely from a place of care about Val must have made it even harder to stomach.

On the one hand, I can think, well, she didn’t know it was a romantic relationship back then, she was trying to stop what she thought was a harmful friendship before it got deeper, but lol, no stopping friendships with Lucho or Sergio, huh. I can’t help but think Juls’s class came into it, which I don’t like.

But, people can grow from their mistakes. She does know about their relationship now, either from watching on TV or with Val happily skipping up to her hand in hand with a sheepish Juls and proudly reintroducing her girlfriend. I think at that point, if Chivis loves Val as much as I think she does, she’d submit gracefully and her attitude would change. Maybe she’d still gossip a bit with her husband but with Eva in jail, Lucia dead, and Jacobo revealed to be Leon, she can hardly claim the violence surrounding them is due to poor Juls. 

And in front of chivis, please in front of chivis. Bitch deserves to know whos the boss hdjdk

Heh, your anger at Chivis. But anon, anon, that’s actually probably exactly why Juls WOULD never do that. She effectively is kind of the boss? She’s at a level higher than Chivis, anyhow. You can’t act like that with someone your gf’s family employs. That’s actually something I super love about Juls, how polite she always is with the staff. 

I was going to elaborate on this when I giffed it but anyway, remember when Alerio said that Juls couldn’t use the Carvajal car after instruction from Eva and Val was understandably losing it a bit, after the day she’d been having, and Juls stepped in and was like, it’s not his fault, don’t take it out on him? That was actually one of my favorite Juls moments. That kind of awareness and sense of fairness, after being so shocked by Eva’s visit herself and then the humiliation only burning deeper at being told she couldn’t even get in the damn car, it’s such a clear sign of what a fundamentally good and kind person she is. 

I think she’d basically wait out Chivis until she accepted them, like, it’s not as if Chivis is trying to turn her away out of malice, more…well, it is wrong of her, because even if she’s doing it out of protectiveness, there certainly seems to be a part of her ready to believe the worst of the Valdeses. But I think she’ll come around, she’ll have to, and she and Juls will probably end up great allies as people who adore Val and have to tolerate that grump Eva. 😛

Thanks so much for answering my ask and giffing that lunch scene – I really appreciate your hard work. I’d been spotting that little moment during multiple rewatches and so far had not seen anyone mention it. Watching Lucho and Sergio’s faces the first go-around was bad enough; but on rewatches I use any excuse not to look at their faces…hence me spotting that little moment :) Thanks again!

Aw, no problem! And lol, that’s a very, very understandable reason for how you saw it. But still, you did, and so many other people didn’t! So kudos, again. 🙂

the jealousy angle in the interview is so great but UGH imagine juliana being like that over valentina, like bein a little braggy, a touch possessive, hell ye

Hmm, but who would she be like that to? It’s a running joke that Juls is soft with Val and completely different with everyone else, but aside from the few people who get on her wrong side first, she’s actually pretty polite. Especially to any of Val’s people, whether or not they deserve it, Chivis, Eva. Lucho and Sergio, for real, they would crack jokes, say mean things, but she was always at least polite.

I can’t imagine anyone who knew both of them to whom Juls would be like that, like, any new coworkers or friends or just people they met, maaaybe someone being a douche and hitting on Val so she’d shed the politeness but otherw–omg, she might be like that to EVA, lmao. The more she got to know Eva, the more she’d be comfortable in getting her own back. Even if Eva accepted her, you know she’d always be a little prickly, that’s just who she is. And then Juls would fire off a comeback and just sit there like:
