Okay, so all the Carvajal kids and Johny and Lucia now know Jacobo is Leon. Guille and Val are thrilled but he’s taking a tough love approach to Eva because of the trouble she’s put the company in. He wants Eva to turn herself into the police but she’s currently with Alacran who has kidnapped and is torturing Mateo. She’s also, for some reason, told Alacran all about Leon and Chino Valdes, who as you know, he has been trying to chase down the whole show for stealing from him.
Jacobo knows that Eva is with Alacran and has recruited Beltran to help get her back. Jacobo and Beltran are also at the stage of their transmigration where their butterfly tattoos are hurting and bleeding much more frequently, and for no reason now, whereas before it only happened when they were doing something bad. From what we’ve seen before, they’re soon either going to have to fully accept things and lead better lives now or their bodies are going to fully die. We still don’t know where Leon’s real body is, and Beltran/Chino is having trouble with his new family because Beltran’s wife wants the real Beltran back.
Lupe has accepted Panchito’s proposal but still isn’t really sure about it, inexplicably still thinking about Chino, which Juls is frustrated at. She goes to talk to Beltran to tell him to leave them alone, but he just yells at her about being gay and threatens Val.
Val and Juls are back at a good place, though not yet together together, Val is very eager to tell Juls about Leon being Jacobo/Chino’s body. She’s also been very affectionate with and shown her gratitude to Lucia for helping them through the time they all thought Leon was gone, she sees her as another person who loved Leon as much as she did and is now also getting another chance with him. Lucia, though, feels very guilty about it all and also worried, because Leon knows about her and Johny.
Montilla, the cop, has figured out Johny is a bad guy and goes to arrest him but Johny starts shooting at the police.
Now, spoilers and spec as to why people think Lucia might die: the actress who plays her has said that this isn’t the typical telenovela ending and people are interpreting that to mean that that means, unlike other endings where the leads get to be happy, she might die. Also, the promo for the finale seems to have her being shot. That seems such a major spoiler, so who knows if it bears out. We’ll just have to see, the show has surprised us again and again.
But it works every time because Juls is ridiculously in love with her dork.
The cutest thing is, Val does it deliberately to lighten the mood and get a laugh from her girl.
Juls, though, Juls is so much reluctant to put herself out there. She does it when she’s super confident. Say…after their first time?
Or after saying she needed space, Val being the one to come to her and tell her she didn’t mean it, demonstrating so clearly that she’s actually still so into her.
And her purpose is different, as is the end result, Val is so affected in a totally different way, lol. In those moments, the cute thing is that while Juls is definitely not looking to lighten the mood–rather the opposite–they enjoy the banter and flirting so much there’s still this joy that shines through.
Hmm, I don’t know if they’ll do a retread of the original breakup. I would hope that part of Juls’s arc has been to realize that there’s always going to be something, she should be with Val because she wants to be and they can’t control outside factors. But also, I don’t know if there’s enough time for that? Just two eps left, with much of that spent on presumably Beltran and Jacobo confronting Alacran and saving Eva and Mateo and then of course Johny/Lucia/Jacobo.
Oh, well, that’s a good point. I assumed it’d air at other times, who would make a commercial to air it just once, not even during the last ep. Lol, now everyone in Mexico can play “catch the lesbian Magnum ad”.
for a few weeks after there’ll probably also be new fans who were waiting to see how they ended before they risked getting invested too
Hey, eff those bandwagon jumpers! I’m kidding, it’s gonna be awesome, of course assuming the show sticks the landing, it’ll be a really fun experience to bask in it all as people go back to the beginning, other people join in, we’ll look for new connections and parallels, they’ll gush over every new scene. 🙂
You’re right, they’ve done it before, in Australia, where there was a backlash and it was reported to media watchdogs. And then they did one in Mexico (albeit, obviously less overt but still undeniable for anyone who’s aware of pop culture).
After Televisa’s splashing Juliantina around online and news sites picking up on it and interviewing them, this is the next major step in proving their popularity. The first things, you can say that they were looking for some easy hits and the novelty factor, but this is pure capitalism, Magnum wouldn’t have picked them if they didn’t think they’d be worth it.