Are you excited for finale or? Do you expect something about Juliantina?
Oh, I am, I am. Nervous too, and also a bit sad to see the end of them. I do expect some Juliantina, but I just don’t know how much of them there can be with everything else going on. Probably they’ll be separated for most of it.
What’s your favorite look Juliana gave to Valentina so far?
Suuuuch a tough question, I mentally scrolled through so many options, flirty, endeared, fond, yielding, curious. When Val looks sad and Juls does the 🙁 thing and gives in, definitely have a soft spot for those, and the intense looks at the cafe or hospital.
This one, though, this one stands out. Almost every other time, they were still building to something or were broken up. And sometimes the differences between them would show, Juls’s inexperience or wariness. But for just a short time, everything was so open between them, and balanced, and safe, this perfect little oasis in the drama of their lives. They both knew exactly where they stood, what they felt, what the other felt, what was going to happen, how much they wanted it to happen.

For the anon worried about there being drama when V and J see each other… Judging by the spoiler pictures, val is the one going to J’s home, Lupe and Panchito are there and he’s wearing an apron like he’s cooking dinner or something so I’m not expecting drama. At least not in that scene, later scenes are a whole other thing though lol
And another anon:
I think Val might be coming over to Juliana’s. There’s a bts pic of Maca with someone from the production team and you can see the painting that’s on the living room above the sofa behind them
Oh, that’s right, so…it’d be great if all of them were just kept out of the Leon/Chino bullshit for the whole finale, lol. Shootouts as Eva and Mateo are saved, then shootouts between Johny and the rest, meanwhile the Valdes women and their partners just having pancakes or something.
Yes to what you said about Juliantina being dragged into the mess. After all, Juliana is coming over because Val needs to see her, they’re going to be at that house, the center of all drama!
Ohhh, hmm, yeah. Well, when she gets there, Jacobo might still be at Alacran’s. I can’t believe they ended the last episode with Johny in the middle of a shootout with the police and Jacobo about to storm the cartel and then the promo is just them both casually back at the Carvajal house.
It’s just me or Juliana’s hair is bigger? I would love to see it waist length
I think the length does tend to vary a bit, depending on when they shot a scene.
Waist length! Hmmmmmmm. Well, Barbara is so pretty, anything would suit her. But I like the shorter, kicker ‘dos I’ve seen on her.
There’s no Juliantina at all on that promo! And now I’m anxious!
I noticed! Yeah, I am not at all sure what to expect for them. I would almost wish there’s actually very little, just so they stay out of the drama and the bullets. They’ve survived two shootouts already, a third seems tough. Just show up at the start, be happy, then again at the end, continuing to be happy.
But they’re linked so tightly with all the main plot, Leon and Chino are going to drag them into their mess, I just know it!
So like… they ruined Molly this season! Hopefully they’ll get a season 3 and fix it up!
Yeahhhh, not really a Molly season, was it. I don’t consider her ruined, Luna was pretty clear about what she wanted.
Of course, Molly could have stayed in town and shown up at the trial even if she was blocked visitor access, that’s something the writers decided to not go with. I guess they wanted to continue their drifting apart storyline, which was there from the start, we just thought it was going to be temporary and something they’d work through. Molly tried to be supportive but she’d had such a rough time of it before and seemed to want to catch up on all the fun she’d missed out on.
Tbh, they’d foreshadowed it from the very start:

I don’t know if the ending implied they’ll come back together after this, having grown separately, or if that’s the end of that, but I wouldn’t rule out a reunion in s3.
Do you have a link for the promo for the finale? :)
Obviously, spoilers for the finale: