I’ve been thinking about Eva and how she hates all of her family’s significant others that are lower class and I wonder if the girlfriend Eva had in college was also lower class and somebody told Eva they shouldn’t be together because of that and that’s why Eva is so bitter towards lucia/renata/juls. Or maybe the girlfriend was really just trying to get Eva’s money so she is still holding a grudge and can’t trust anyone

Hmm, definitely a chance of that. Personally, I think she took all the wrong lessons from Leon banging on about the family and reputation but there is certainly some extreme resentment. Though as @dealanexmachina pointed out, her instincts regarding Lucia are actually correct. If she’s just transferring those same feelings to Renata and Juls AND there was something in the past, it’d make even more sense.

I really hope lucia makes it through okay. I feel like her and Juliana would understand each other so well and could really bond. Plus they would both love how sweet the other is with Val

Yeah, it sucks that Lucia might not even know about Juliantina and that if she does, it’ll be so brief. 

Nobody on this show is perfect (although our girls are certainly more perfect than the rest, lol) and I think they’ve done a good job of making Lucia in particular very sympathetic and understandable and likable. Her and Juls would have been great together, their very difficult childhoods, so pragmatic but still open to love, charmed by their respective super romantic Carvajals. It’d be great if she lived to be able to get Val’s forgiveness and bond with Juls.

will u be watching legacies? idk if I trust the showrunner but there’s a wlw ex-couple that are v hot angst lol. somehow, it’s nice to see queer exes as well as queer couples. normalising somehow? idk I make sense lol

Hmmm, I might. I watched the first ep when it aired and while my love for Hope from the last eps of TO carried over, I hated Landon and didn’t much care for most of the rest of the characters. I did like Penelope but she didn’t seem like she’d appear a lot. But you’re right, it is cool to have queer exes, it does add another dynamic to what people see, and exes with feelings is a popular trope so people can associate it to other couples like that. I do stay somewhat updated on what’s going on and it does seem like they didn’t shuffle Penelope away completely so I might check back in.

As for Julie Plec and trusting her, heh, I don’t know if she’s going to prioritize them ever or even really knows how to write them, but I do think that LGBT people on the CW are overall far safer now than any other place or time. From death, anyway. If they’re messy, well, I don’t think anybody is not messy on a Plec show.

You can go to YT and see Juliantina in the channel La Historia though idk if the videos are subtitled

And another anon:

La Historia’s playlist which also has their individual scenes is 11 hours and 15 minutes long !!!

@sshepardcommander said:

I think the full run time of amar a muerte comes out to something like 65-70 hours total so our girls clocking 10+ between them when a lot of their screentime is together really does show how central the were in a cast of a zillion characters

like they’re on screen for about 1/6th of the show? not bad

Damn, it really is a lot. And it really does feel like it, pretty much every ep has significant moments and development. 

All The Lillies’ playlist is currently at 9 hours 57 minutes. Zeroty’s playlist is at 8 hours 41 minutes but they haven’t caught up to the current episode yet

Oh, wow. And they both didn’t include a lot of the earlier individual scenes that really did go a long way to establish their characters, so it’d actually be even longer. Maybe once it’s over, they might go back and add those scenes? If they do, the fandom should schedule some kind of rewatch, that’d be so much fun. 10 hours! Whew.

juli called her dad TRASH ??? to HIS FACE.. I’m living..! I wish Sunday could just be 2 hrs of juliantina kissing and calling out everyone who let them down. let my girl juls throw at least one punch XD

To his FACE. And the amazing thing is, the show is saying that this love, between two women, is as grand and transformative as any love. That it’s what’s saved her and the lack of anything comparable that condemned him.

I would watch that show in a heartbeat. If there is a spinoff, writers take note! Making out and calling people out. Best. Show. Ever.