I loved the interview scene, Val making sure all of México knows Juliana Valdes is taken lol. Flozmin did a similar scene, I hope main rich girl proclaiming her love for her gf in an interview becomes a telenovela trope for lesbian couples

Lol, Jade on the Filipino drama The Rich Man’s Daughter did it too! I’ll have to keep an eye out for it when I start watching Flozmin.

It was a great scene, I don’t know its place here, but it was great in itself. And tbh, why not, it didn’t hurt anything and a lot of us loved it. That the finale was rushed doesn’t mean that the parts we did get weren’t great.

it’s always really important to remember the novela was done filming in december before even the juliantina 1st kiss, televisa had NO IDEA the huge impact it would have. Their little screentime in the finale and overall is a result of that and because they were never the main couple. We tend to forget their parts are not so central in the novela cause many people watch only their scenes on youtube

I was thinking the same thing, but you know, they managed to make them pretty central for almost the whole show, that’s why it seemed so jarring now. They did the whole show not knowing how big they were going to be and they still got great scenes. 

Tbh, it seemed more a slight miscalculation on the writer’s parts on what to focus for them than actually ignoring them completely. For whatever reason, they decided to give them the additional conflict of a public coming out, and I appreciate the intent, but it didn’t really fit with what their issues had been? So instead of concentrating on and hashing those out and then having them together, they tacked that on and it took up their screentime. On the one hand, yay for a grand gesture, but given how many times we’ve seen them separate, it’d be nice to see that final forever reunion.

But I do get your overall point, that allllll of this was written before they had any idea of the ship’s success and if we found the latter eps not as good as the previous, well, they wrote the previous really darn well then, huh.

I gotta be honest and say I fucking loved every minute pre-sergio plot and was disappointed by everything post-sergio, but overall Juliantina is almost incomparable and in its own league as a whole, even if I think that mostly applies to the part I loved. I think the ending was rushed and lacked a lot of resolution after the buildup, but I’m happy they survived AND were together. I do think they could’ve added more romance Bc i can’t even remember if juliantina had a kiss post-sergio but eh


Yeah, true, everything was rushed at the end. Except for like, Guille/Renata, who stayed stalled on the same level for the last half of the whole series. When you think about Lucia/Leon, they were split up for so long, then he revealed who he was at the theater and they didn’t share any scenes again until the very end of the penultimate ep. And then while they had their true talky reunion today, she ended up dying. We had our real reunion the other day, and then today was just a last minute kind of bonus conflict to drive the drama.

Personally, I totally did not mind the post-Sergio eps at all. They focused so much on the feelings between them, even with them not together. Val working so hard to rescue Juls, then how quickly after their space talk she caved and tried to chase her down. 

I absolutely think, on a technical level, they needed some more scenes to round off things, considering their freaking dads switched bodies and what Barbara knew and that Death was following Val around, but I’m so much more lenient on things when it’s not because of malicious or thoughtless intent. They did so well by us overall, our girls being shuffled a bit to the side in the finale because they weren’t in the middle of the dying or prison drama isn’t the same disappointment it would be in different circumstances.

Also, they needed a final dance scene.

I have questions and I’m hoping someone can answer. Where was Leon’s body? Where was baptised spirit ? What happened to panchos family?

Whoooo knows. We weren’t kidding when we said it was rushed, lol. Panchito is getting a divorce, though, so I think that’s dealt with. He’ll probably visit them regularly but that’s hardly finale material. Omg. Juliana’s getting stepsiblings. Well, it’s probably a good thing she can stay with her super rich girlfriend now for some peace and quiet. I mean, from other people’s noise.

I gotta be honest and say I fucking loved every minute pre-sergio plot and was disappointed by everything post-sergio, but overall Juliantina is almost incomparable and in its own league as a whole, even if I think that mostly applies to the part I loved. I think the ending was rushed and lacked a lot of resolution after the buildup, but I’m happy they survived AND were together. I do think they could’ve added more romance Bc i can’t even remember if juliantina had a kiss post-sergio but eh

Yeah, true, everything was rushed at the end. Except for like, Guille/Renata, who stayed stalled on the same level for the last half of the whole series. When you think about Lucia/Leon, they were split up for so long, then he revealed who he was at the theater and they didn’t share any scenes again until the very end of the penultimate ep. And then while they had their true talky reunion today, she ended up dying. We had our real reunion the other day, and then today was just a last minute kind of bonus conflict to drive the drama.

Personally, I totally did not mind the post-Sergio eps at all. They focused so much on the feelings between them, even with them not together. Val working so hard to rescue Juls, then how quickly after their space talk she caved and tried to chase her down. 

I absolutely think, on a technical level, they needed some more scenes to round off things, considering their freaking dads switched bodies and what Barbara knew and that Death was following Val around, but I’m so much more lenient on things when it’s not because of malicious or thoughtless intent. They did so well by us overall, our girls being shuffled a bit to the side in the finale because they weren’t in the middle of the dying or prison drama isn’t the same disappointment it would be in different circumstances.

What’s even more important to me is how when they were watching the interview with Val, Lupe was so sure that Val would say Juli’s name because Lupe already knew in her heart that Val really was so serious about her daughter and her future daughter in law wasn’t gonna stop at anything!

Yeah! Like, these shows are made up of tons of little setups and payoffs. And Lupe’s disapproval was one of the biggest arcs for them and now we’re getting repeated emphasis of her being more and more okay with them. She was so freaking happy, lol, like she was watching some entertainment show. Ah, watching some richass girl tell the whole country she’s in love with her daughter, that is truly a the rich/poor trope come to life.

“something after the TV interview and before the send off scene with Guille and Renata, how was Juls back with Val and they just…that’s it?” … dude, if your girl goes on national tv, tells them she loves you with full name drop …. like, it aint THAT hard to get you man. i mean, i know I myself would be EASY after it

Lol, Juls wanted to get back with Val already. But they set up that conflict, so why not resolve it onscreen? But I think they actually think they did, as you said, it’s kind of a no-brainer that they’d be back together if Val’s fears of a public outing were addressed.

A full name drop. I love that she ADDED the last name after a pause.

Just to make sure that no other Juliana would think she meant them. And to let everyone else know Juliana Valdes was taken. I laughed and laughed.

i’m really leaning towards the spinoff coming… i mean they set it up that a lot are open ended… or i could simply hopeful since most jv scenes seems lacking

Heh, I wouldn’t take the lack of scenes to mean anything regarding that. There really did seem at least one scene missing, something after the TV interview and before the send off scene with Guille and Renata, how was Juls back with Val and they just…that’s it? But I could see that it was simply cut for time OR they just assumed people would understand and just blew on ahead. 

I do think that for good or bad, they focused on that public coming out as the big conflict for them this finale and they delivered on that!. So unnecessary but it was cute. Still, yeah, one little scene after couldn’t have hurt. Oh, and didn’t love other couples getting their kisses or more, especially Guille and Renata kissing literally in front of them like some Westallen wedding invasion, but I mean, my minor thwarted hopes for this ep don’t really affect my feelings for the show or ship or experience overall, which are overwhelmingly positive. Can we really say that this show bowed to homophobia or considered them less than? I can’t.