Wait, wasnt there another lesbian couple on coronation street that ended up with one of them dying on their wedding day? What the fuck? I started watching kana awhile back but stopped for some reason and now I’m glad :/

No, that wedding was stopped before it happened because of cheating and then leaving at the altar. It was a different lesbian who was killed off at another point.

I don’t know if I wished I’d never watched or had stopped earlier, but I’m still too angry to watch right now. I understand that this death doesn’t negate all that came before, especially since it’s happening under a different showrunner, but I’m not so good at compartmentalizing I can put it aside. It’s such a loss. And the way it’ll happen, on a wedding day. That’s just cruel.

I hope I’ll be able to go back to appreciate the good things in time but a major part of Rana’s story has been struggling to live freely and happily, so how can you go back to watch as she fights her confusion and guilt and her parents and not feel bitter at what’s to come? Her father telling her he wished she’d never been born and mother’s “your funeral” at her engagement to a woman? If you think Maca had to cry a lot as Val, triple that and maybe you’ll get a typical month for Rana. :p

I dunno, I think, as good an experience as Kana was at its best, some ships you can revisit and some you can’t, and as we get more there’s less of a need to.

So what’s your feeling? Any surprise content coming up? Kiss(es) released, spin-off? Any rumblings in SM land…? Or was Maca’s surprise the Magnum commercial??? ;)

I don’t think any kisses, but people are still hoping for a spin-off and the chances aren’t nil. I remember when people used to ask about a continuation before and I, trusting my followers, would be like, nooope, no way, sorrrrry, you international people with no idea how Mexican media works. 😛 

I’ve heard different theories on Maca’s surprise, that it was the commercial, that it was the tickets to her movie premiere, that it’s the spin-off. I think we’ll just have to wait and see what she says. If she doesn’t, in a while we can assume it’s either something we already got or the spin-off fell through.

At the moment, the fandom seems to be mobilizing around the TVyNovelas awards, which makes sense, they’re going to be broadcast and everyone wants to see our girls go up and receive them. That’s probably the next Juliantina-related thing on the horizon.

why do i feel like i’ve just been broken up with by the love of my life? this weird melancholy of being happy juliantina existed but sad it’s over is the weirdest feeling i’ve never experienced with any other show before. it’s a break-up of something that was amazing and now I can’t contact them anymore or know what’s going on in their life lol

Awww, anon. Yeah, most of our…breakups are a lot more traumatic, either because a character died or they fizzle away into ignominy because of too many bad tropes and too little screentime. We got something that was pretty great and it’s done and that’s that. It was quick, too! I don’t know about you guys but just two months for me. And it was only four months from start to finish anyway. It’s wild what an effect it’s had in such a short time.

Like, first, let’s not ignore the fact that there’s still, surprisingly, a strong possibility of a spinoff, so it’s not as if it’s all over just yet. But putting that aside, there’s no way this experience will just stop now. The fandom’s going to linger, there are still the awards coming up and little tidbits that’ll be shared.

And believe me, it’s a lot better to end it like this in other ways. Clexa is the obvious comparison but we’re not done with those yet. Those of you who followed me for Juliantina won’t know but I loved Kana on the British soap Coronation Street but a while back it was spoiled that one half, the British Pakistani Muslim lesbian half, was going to be killed off. And we’ve just gotten the news that all but confirms it’s going to be on her wedding day. So…not to be all, count your blessings, it could be worse, but, count your blessings, it could be worse. 😛 

thr juliantina fashion show scene was honestly ruined so much for me by the fact that val is wearing a plains native american headdress. not only because it has significant cultural meaning and is constantly worn just for the aesthetic, but also bc fashion appropriating and profiting off of indigenous designs is such an issue, and neither of the girls are plains native american…. the headdress felt so unnecessary and so shitty to see, that such a sweet moment was ruined.

Mhmmm, yeah, I think a whole bunch of us recoiled. I actually went to google “mexican feather headdress” just to see if maybe I just wasn’t aware of what it was supposed to be, but. 

Juliantina not getting a kiss is disappointing, but I also remember being a baby gay looking up lesbian scenes on youtube like 10 years ago (much like many people are watching AAM now) and the lesbian couples not even being allowed to be shown on a bed together. So I don’t want to diminish anything because yes it is literally homophobia, and yes we do deserve better. But also? Focus on the good. (And always write fanfiction.)

Aye, but you don’t get good by not acknowledging the bad or unfair. That one scene with Guille and Renata talking and kissing, like, we didn’t even see Juliantina getting back together! Let alone being allowed to kiss.

But you’re definitely right, lots of progress was made and there has been a lot of good in this series, especially in the context of being one of the very first in a conservative country. And us dwelling on the bad without action only makes ourselves unhappy. If we want to do something about it, the show and network are super receptive to feedback on SM, so let them have it, for sure, and then come back and let’s feel better.

i forgot about the rich mans daughter, what happened at the end?

Ahhh, that was a mess and a half. They separated the women for most of the second half, like, a true half, not like the 68-83 here, and the richer one was guilted by her parents into staying with the guy she’d broken up with earlier and she just stayed with him for a long time until she decided to break up with him and went off to look for the other woman who already had a gf so the rich one walked away and then like a three year timeskip and with a couple of minutes left for the whole show, they locked eyes at Pride and then were implied to get back together.

So Michel brown said in his ig live that theres no s2 ? so maybe maca getting all excited is for juliantina spinoff?

I guess so, I’ve seen Angelique say no too, but that’s for more obvious reasons, lol. Bye, Lucia. ;_;

And another anon:

let this sink in Lucia died without knowing about Val and Juls. goodnight

…aw, man, that’s true. Tsk. I really wish they’d restructured some of the last weeks. I know certain characters had to be kept apart for plot reasons, e.g., when Juls was kidnapped Val and Eva didn’t meet so Val couldn’t say, Alacran has Juls, and Val often needed to be in a place where she had no support so her despair and resulting strength would be clearer, but dammit, there really could have been a time and place for them to talk and for Lucia to find out and offer some quiet support.

And another anon:

So Lucía really came and went huh?

🙁 Not really pleased Lucia died, Eva went to jail, while Chino is walking around free AND happy. I’m happy Mateo survived, at least! But I don’t really get the purpose of “this character did bad so they must pay” when it’s not applied equally. How has Chino paid? And for the mistakes he’s made, including his terrible parenting of Eva, Leon’s fine too?