In fact it doesnt bother me that they blame Barb for the lack of kisses (I also think that is stupid), maybe I dont express myself well (I’m learning English), what bothers me is that if some fans have to criticize something they attack Barb, and I’m sure that more than one has noticed that (All the comments that I have read are in Spanish, probably that’s why I find them more easily) I have more than clear that it is a minority of the fandom, but the comments still bother me. lol idk

Oh yes, that. Definitely frustrating as heck, agreed. If it helps, I (and others) have definitely noticed it and are also chagrined at the unfairness. She’s…not gonna be a clone of Maca. And she shouldn’t have to be, why would anybody want that? 

Ultimately, there’s not much you can do about it and dwelling on it is just gonna make you more upset.

Just keep showing her love and ignoring them. 

Tbh I found the finale in general to be kind of a mess, even outside of our girls. Like, the resolution of Lucia plotline was just so bizarre. So, she tragically dies but Beltran/Chino and Johny get to live? In a show about comeuppance? They spend 5mins on a funeral then everyone just moves on WHAT. I know a lot of people were pissed at the how patchy Juliantina were but the finale dropped the ball on a bunch of storylines, not just theirs. So I’m just happy they’re alive and got a good end lol

I agree. The rushing of Juliantina wasn’t because they’re the sidelined f/f couple, they just suffered from the same pacing issues everything did. The lack of kiss, okay, yes, but everything else was just them jumping from one scene to another. They should really have treated it as a finale week and started a lot of those big dramatic arcs (including the public confession) earlier instead of putting everything off till the end.

I think we’re meant to assume Lucia transmigrated too, thus getting her second chance? And I think that’s more what the show’s about, not so much comeuppance as it is about second chances. Which I wouldn’t say Johny got, that crazy bastard’s gonna rot in prison. Lucia would presumably meet Jacobo again and then that would be that. The Carvajals with their dad and stepmom in totally different bodies. And Val’s father-in-law too, lol.

I’m so exhausted with a part of the juliantina fandom, there are comments on instagram blaming Barbara for the lack of kisses at the end of the telenovela, they say that Barbara began to feel things for Maca and that she got scared, and that’s why she’s always saying that she’s straight and has a boyfriend. This fandom is becoming toxic.

I’m sorry, anon, but I laughed so hard at this. Just…lmao. I am genuinely breaking into laughter every couple of minutes at this.

It’s a sign of a big fandom–hell, it’s a sign of any fandom. Just stay out of it, it’ll run its course. That’s not even close to a majority of the fandom, you can avoid it easily enough and save yourself the frustration of realizing how people can…be.

Hope you don’t mind, but having watched only the Juliantina parts I have some questions…did Val find out about Eva and Alacran (you know, considering that Alacran kidnapped Juliana)? Or Lucia about Juliantina? Did Jacopo ‘officially’ meet Juliana as Leon? Thank you!

I’m not sure if Val ever actually discovered the first thing as part of all of Eva’s mistakes but if she did, they didn’t really acknowledge it in any way. And no on the other two. Super rushed finale.