Hi! First I absolutely love ur blog and I wanted to thank you for sharing ur thoughts & content! Looking at ur amazing juliantina gifs made me wonder abt acting and I dunno if u can answer it & if u cant its okay! How can some actors/actresses emulate involuntary reflex like the dilatation of pupils with such accuracy? I remember being so perplexed when I saw Lexa’s actress doing it- he pupils were so dilated when she looked at Clarke. Same for maca. She can even make herself look flushed. HOW

Thank you!

Um, hmm, definitely noticed that, especially for Maca. I dunno, I think that’s just them? If you see Maca in interviews with other people, the same thing happens. Maybe they’re just that sensitive to light? Or they get super into the character…? It’s an interesting question but I have no idea, sorry.

Hey! Tomorrow’s the last day to vote on insta for the awards Revistaeresmx and we’re losing by like 30k votes, can we get our girls the win for Best Kiss? ??

Looks like 43k difference now. Again, instructions to vote are to go here:


Follow that account and then basically just keep spamming #VotoPorBárbaraYMacarena in the comments. 

You can also vote here: https://www.eres.com.mx/premios

But I think for the time being people are concentrating on the TVyNovelas awards? After the voting’s closed, everyone will probably pivot over and try to make up the difference. Honestly, that it’s as close as it is is pretty impressive.

I also heard/read somewhere (can’t remember lol) that they filmed the finale first apparently which is also why it might be like that. I guess they could’ve re-shot it after they found out how big Julianita became but ??‍♀️

Hmmm. Maybe that could be it, but then what made them go, okay, let’s keep on including a kiss here, and one here, and a more daring one here? But it does make sense, that might be it. Or a combination of things. Regardless, they owe us one!

sshepardcommander replied to your post “exactly! exactly, even if it was a soft, slow, short thing, something…”

I assumed the same, it wasn’t written for the finale bc the finale is written to be seen by Everyone and they were more conservative about what they showed and focused on val telling the world to do the most relatable and digestible positive gay they could. also probably why chino apologizes and says how wrong he was to threaten them in the finale

A Mexican friend just messaged me about the Sunday theory going OF COURSE and so I just wanted to share what might actually be a possible reason. They made it into a milder PSA version with the big coming out and Chino accepting and a confirmed happy ending years in the future, Juls getting everything she wanted.

IF that is the reason, that kind of…resolves that for me. I don’t love it, at all, but I can understand THAT, when before it seemed a completely arbitrary reason to exclude them. Though still of course no explanation for why no actual reunion scene. 😡

exactly! exactly, even if it was a soft, slow, short thing, something Val does just to wipe that expression off Juls face, it lasts all about 3 seconds, and when Juliana raises her hand and her palm right there, her thumb behind Val’s neck, Val pulls back and is like “no no, this is important. Listen to me …” and then proceed with telling her why she cant do this because of her family and what not. JUST THE SMALLEST AND SOFTEST BUT MOST MEANINGFUL KISS ugh

Yes! I think what felt so unnatural about the finale was that we were so used to how organic their scenes were and how naturally they flowed and yes, often they had kisses to build to an interruption, that’s just a hidden love trope, but they still worked so well. That kitchen scene needed one in the very way they wrote and acted and directed it. This is not us reading into it, it’s their lack. 

And as you said, it could have worked in that moment and made it even more poignant, that for all the love and want and yearning, they still couldn’t be together.

And another anon:

I wish we had gotten a full body shot of that counter scene. The body language of both of them, but esp juls when shes turned and pinned to the counter. Just the way her upper body/shoulder area slouches down, ugh, I’m a sucker for facial expressions and body language and while we got to see the former I wish we got to see the latter. They really do have a lot of chemistry it’s actually kind of ridiculous. The way they look at each other and the way their bodies react to each other is special.

For real, it’d have been great to get a few wider shots. I loved the intimacy and framing but if they were going to offer us that positioning, they may as well have shown us the whole thing. Maybe that would have been too risque? You wouldn’t think people who’d shown kisses would balk at that but, actually, the next anon offers an interesting theory about the finale.

And another anon:

It’s been almost a week and I’m just still in awe (in a bad way) that they didn’t resolve allllll of the shit Juliantina have gone thru with a kiss at the end. Like!!!! Y’all made us watch sergio!!!! I am beyond grateful that Juliantina lived and ended up together and were happily living their best lives but I don’t understand the lack of the last kiss. There were at least two good scenes that needed it and it would’ve been a couple more seconds of screentime at most. (½)

I gotta conclude that they didn’t wanna include Blatant Gay Content in the finale Bc it aired on a Sunday and they thought there’d be more families or ppl in general watching. Which is a bummer if that’s the reason. Esp after the long sex scene Lucia/Jacobo got. Granted, Lucia died so I’m much more content w Juliantinas plot but their final arc needed a kiss dammit! Lol thankfully their chemistry is so good it’s almost like they kissed anyways (2/2)

That’s……possible? I mean, everyone’s been racking their brains trying to understand why the absence then, of all episodes, when they showed some already and this was the big sendoff. They didn’t even tape anything so can’t blame the censors, it couldn’t have been a matter of screentime, it’d have cost a few seconds, the actors were shown to be willing (and quite good at it >_>) so then? We’ve been asking ourselves what was different about the finale and that’s as good an answer as anything, I guess? I dunno. It would be pretty sad if they deliberately toned things down because it was a big, more widely seen event.

I think Juls only calls Val ‘Valentina’ to her face when she’s kind of annoyed, like when Val came to the house before the breakup and Juls was calling after her as they were walking to the SUV but Val kept ignoring her, so then she used her full name. It’s like when Juls is annoyed with her mom and she called her Lupe. It’s so cute, the way Barbara brought Juliana to life was so perfect.

Heh, yeah, she does do that with both Val and her mom. Annoyance or urgency. Same with Val, frustration or emergency, “Juliana!”

I love every diminutive and intonation, there’s always a reason for every usage and emphasis. 

That scene where Val slowly turns Juls around against the counter and they declare their feelings for each other, whew. For the entire show I’d been content to let them/the writers go at their own pace with kisses and affection, but that scene man. It needed a kiss. Like, they needed a kiss anywhere in the finale anyway, but the buildup for one there was ridiculous. Barb and Maca have too much chemistry for their own good.

Agreed with every single darn word you said! I’d also argue the final scene should have had one too, but this scene was just aching for it. At least in the other one you could say they were in public and Lupe’d just arrived. But come on, how could a scene with this not have a kiss??


Their chemistry is just ridiculous.

Even near the end, this part when she needs for Juls to understand so badly and just grabs her face and tells her she wants to do this and then trails off


And in the silence Juls just looks at her beseechingly, silently asking what the “but” is, what could be more than them?


Honestly, just give them a camera and let them improvise their characters, they know them better than anyone else.

Hii booasaur,at first, thanks for all your efforts. I really like your content.But would you like to tell me where I need to vote for Bárbara and Macarena?´Cause I don´t really know if I have to vote on the website of tvynovelas, on their instagram or on revistaeresmx (also instagram). And on LasEstrellas I can vote either, but do I need to vote on every site or just on one, and if just on one then which one?Would really appreciate an answer since it´s a litte confusing

Aww, thank you so much! 🙂

Okay, near as I can figure, these are the three polls in play:


https://www.tvynovelas.com/mx/premios/ – Highest current priority, since it’s tied to an actual awards ceremony and supposedly ends some time tomorrow (Friday). You only have to vote here, not on Instagram. This is tied to cookies and not IP so as long as you use an incognito/private tab or clear your cookies (and cache), you should be fine to vote as many times as you want. You’ll want to confirm the Gracias box underneath appears after you vote, to make sure it counts. AAM has nominees all the way down but vote for whoever you want (obviously definitely Barb and Maca).


https://www.instagram.com/p/BusT4SyFd3Q/ – This is the revistaeresmx poll on IG you mentioned, you have to follow the account and post 

#VotoPorBárbaraYMacarena in the comments. I believe we’re quite a bit behind there so if you have free time, feel free, but this one I think closes on Sunday so it’s less priority than the TVyNovelas one. 
You can also vote on the website: https://www.eres.com.mx/premios (Scroll down to Mejor beso/Best kiss)


https://www.lasestrellas.tv/espectaculos/tus-estrellas/aristemo-juliantina-beso-vota – Now this sucker isn’t low priority at all, for whatever reason, Televisa has chosen to hype up this battle of the gays but we are currently leading and now we know for sure it’s ending on Sunday night. It is tied to IP but you can vote a bunch of times until the number stops updating and then switch IP.