hey boo im a little insecure what if amar a muerte snatches all the awards BUT maca’s????? im nervous!!
I don’t think you gotta worry about that, bud. Unless it’s that Maca will forget her award on stage. 😀
pretty sure that actor that’s part of the aristemo ship expected to win and was very confused, lolollololol like oops we accidentally got santiago a win
Lmao, we voted hard, huh.
That other woman who was a child star was leading Barbara’s category, maybe that’s why anon said she wont win
Yeah, maybe. The competition was stiff, for sure.
And another anon:
“BaRbaRa Is nOT WinINg” clink clink bitch @ that anon
Lol, be nice. I did scream, though, can’t deny that.
Barbara is not going to win her category, but when maca does I can’t wait for the shout-out to her screen partner ?
Aww, why so negative, anon? I would like for her to win her category! But yeah, it’ll be nice to see shout outs to screen partners tonight, given the strong presence of gays.
If you can’t find a feed for the TV y Novelas Awards, JuliantinaFans is streaming on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliantinafans/
Currently it’s the redblue carpet, the actual awards will start in about half an hour.
Juliana putting her shoes on the couch is making me cringe
At least it was just the side and top? Lol, I have no defense. I don’t wear shoes at home but at work, I will fold a leg up and sit on a shoe no problem. Sacrifices have to be made for gay comfort, anon!
‘Sides, didn’t they already do that and worse before?

you think chemistry, and you often think eye contact? you think interaction, and being affectionate, with things like hugging or holding hands. but it turns out, it could be with person A of your otp turning their back to person B, as person B looks at the back of their head,and rests their forehead there. and it gives you more feels that 90% of all kissing scenes you have ever seen on tv/movies ever. has you screaming at the screen: THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SM!! so, that, is chemistry
Excellent chemistry lesson, Professor Anon. If your ship can’t exude insane levels of intimacy and yearning while not looking at each other, then sorry, you’ve been cheated.

It’s such an inexpressible concept, romantic chemistry, but god, it’s vital. We were so lucky with these two.