Oh, that’s true, lol. And she’s basically continuing one week-long party from her birthday into the after party for this. Those poor awards are going to end up in a bus to Tijuana.
Wait, I’m confused, were there people in the fandom that didn’t want Gonzalo to win?
To put it diplomatically, let’s say they wanted Maca’s brother to win it more.
And another anon:
hey ok im kinda lost here , if the carvajal kids are the main characters or something why is barb’s nomination for major actress? or maybe juliana is also a main character?
They are somewhat more important but I wouldn’t look at the nominations for that, I think those are more just to get people from different shows in different categories as much as possible, which I like, tbh.
turns out aam snatched all the awards EXCEPT for gonzalo’s, i mean it was where the fandom kinda split too plus santiago probably has a fan base of his own so
Lol, wouldn’t the, uh, the kid from the m/m couple have his fanbase too? I can’t help but feel that we were the deciding factor in this one too.
Sooo I think the record for the most wins for a single tv show at those awards is 12… And I think aam just broke that record lol. The gays made history babey
Damn. Now I do kind of feel sorry for Gonzalo, that was literally the only award AAM was nominated for that didn’t win. Whew. The other telenovelas must hate us, lol.
Juliantinas seeing Maca holding her trophy AFTER the ceremony: *collective sigh of relief* ?
Hahahah. We’ll just see if it gets home safely.
And another anon:
i saw a tweet saying maca was more interested in the speech thanking juliantinas and everyone than receiving her award lmao true
Lol, she just bounded up stage and to the mic, so excitable.
And another anon:
Maca be like “we are not a minority” “you are not alone anymore because i’m with you” i love haa
Awwww, yeah. Lol, and we’re clearly with them, I’m still laughing at this sweep.
That tap on her shoulder like, “Uhhh before you proceed, señorita…” ?
It could not have been funnier than if it’d been scripted, lol. Just that one arm in a white, ignored at first.

And the crowd laughing with her, everyone caught up in that classic Maca exuberance.
juliantinas are really selfless creatures who really included the whole cast and crew and not just m&b dgdfgdf
Lmao, they did, they must have voted straight ticket AAM (+ Maca’s brother).
And honestly, great work, guys, everyone who voted, everyone who kept on asking for signal boosts and reminders, explaining where and how to vote.
AAM has 7 or so awards and counting, i wanna know if the writers feel grateful enough to give us that spin off or at least give us that KISS THEY OWE US
They better! What more could the fandom do at this point??
now that you bring it up why do i get the weird feeling that maca might actually forget her award somewhere random like she’s going to the restroom then gets sidetracked starts koala hugging ppl instagrams then oopsies no se donde esta mi premio ??♀️
I didn’t bring it up randomly, I was referencing the fact that she did forget it when going to up to receive her award. So…yeah, it’s probably super likely, lol.