Wait, I’m confused, were there people in the fandom that didn’t want Gonzalo to win?

To put it diplomatically, let’s say they wanted Maca’s brother to win it more.

And another anon:

hey ok im kinda lost here , if the carvajal kids are the main characters or something why is barb’s nomination for major actress? or maybe juliana is also a main character?

They are somewhat more important but I wouldn’t look at the nominations for that, I think those are more just to get people from different shows in different categories as much as possible, which I like, tbh.

Juliantinas seeing Maca holding her trophy AFTER the ceremony: *collective sigh of relief* ?

Hahahah. We’ll just see if it gets home safely.

And another anon:

i saw a tweet saying maca was more interested in the speech thanking juliantinas and everyone than receiving her award lmao true

Lol, she just bounded up stage and to the mic, so excitable.

And another anon:

Maca be like “we are not a minority” “you are not alone anymore because i’m with you” i love haa

Awwww, yeah. Lol, and we’re clearly with them, I’m still laughing at this sweep.