Can we still see the award ? I went to sleep bc work and I regret it so much…


I’m curious about that too, I thought it’d be uploaded somewhere after but I’m not sure if it will be, beyond individual clips? Does anyone else know?

Still don’t know any official way but this user has put up the whole show on Youtube in six parts, starting from here.

It’s blocked in the US so careful about using the right VPN and browser.

Tomorrow are the “Eres” awards I think we still have time to vote we are running against Aristemo and they have more comments on their ig pic… LETS VOTE on the official instagram account @revistaeresmx and on the official website

Oh, right, right. We can’t really now act like voting doesn’t make a difference, lol. And I would guess that now the voting against us is even tougher.

And (mejor beso/best kiss at end)

what is the angelique dress fiasco? what happened?

Oh, can’t wait to share this! It’s so delightful and adorable.

Okay, so this is how she looked when she arrived, looking pretty, proudly showing it off. Pay attention to the front middle of it and which side the tassels on the shoulder are.

And THEN, look at it later in the ceremony:

Yep, she wore it backwards. She even shared the story with fans on the way home, talking about how when she first tried it it on it’d seemed a lot more modest than it suddenly seemed.

Alexis’s other nomination was for another novela/role. He only qualified for experienced for his AAM role.

Oh, I see. So then you could possibly be different categories as long as they’re different roles. Got it. Thanks for explaining! Actually, since I’m here…

And another anon:

someone anyone ?? how big is this award show ? is it like the oscars? emmy’s? or like a people’s choice award?

I think it’s…kind of a mix because public voting is involved, so it’s kinda like People’s Choice but there aren’t really any Oscar/Emmy equivalents so this is the biggest one they can win. They’ll be celebrating well tonight, anyway.

since you’re getting questions about this, thought I’d clarify: the categories are for lead actress (Angelique), supporting actress (Maca), and then “experienced” actress (Raquel), and young actress (Barbara). AFAIK you cannot be nominated for multiple. Other novelas did have multiple people in the same category. Barbara defaults to the last category because she wasn’t billed high enough for the first two and doesn’t have the repertoire for the third.

Oh, okay, thanks for explaining! Though didn’t Alexis Ayala get two?

But whatever, we STILL WONNNNNNNNNN!