Yep! I’m still processing everything and all the different things that had to happen in exactly the right way for this experience to turn out like it did. The casting for Juliantina, obviously, but also, the rest of the cast and crew being who they were and so we had this really fancy, cool show to support and Angelique Boyer on our side.
Her win was a no-brainer, she would have had her enormous fanbase voting for AND us. And since we concentrated on the rest of the nominees I don’t see why hers wouldn’t have too, so the results weren’t all that surprising at all. But if she’d been in a different show things might have been quite different. In fact, her presence in this one was a great buffer because as much as we like to think that Juliantina overshadowed everything, it was only allowed the space to do so because she was so good she continued to bring in the general audience. It wasn’t Juliantina being the one good thing in a bad show, they were one great part of a good show. The proof is in how many of us were ultimately invested in Lucia’s story, right. And it just made the whole experience so good and positive, being a part of something historical.
Honestly, it’s still so unbelievable it all happened. Even when the show was airing and we were realizing how well Juliantina were written and how well integrated, we knew it’d be a special experience. But now there’s this bond between the AAM cast and crew and this f/f fandom and none of us will ever forget this experience. Most of the rest of the cast has at this point thanked Juliantina fans, every time they look at that trophy they’ll remember us, and we’ll never forget this one time where we mattered, to the writers, to the crew, to the cast. We weren’t the tolerated niche but a beloved part of this mainstream show. It really isn’t an experience that we’ll see repeated again.
And another anon:
Quick question, if you don’t mind…why is Angelique ‘the queen of her generation’ and ‘of course she was gonna win’? I started aam for juliantina (obvs) but I fell in love with her too, because damn. So I’m curious about her…but my google skills are failing me (or maybe it’s just that I don’t know spanish)
I’m no expert but I think she’s just been a very hard-working actress who through some iconic roles has become a very famous, popular figure. She’s definitely gorgeous and talented but she also seems very gracious so I think she’s just very well-liked all around.
And a hug! Lol, your guess is as good as mine. I know what we would all like it to be though, heh.
And another anon:
I love reading your answers to your anons. Always thoughtful and mature and when people make assumptions or negative comments (ex. Gonzo) you always look at both sides.
Aw, thank you! Heh, funny you say this after my kinda-meltdown yesterday but thank you.
Looking at both sides…also considered fence straddling, but it just makes sense to me There’s always a reason for why people behave the way they do, right, it may not be a good reason, but it’s there. So whenever people come to me about something, usually about others in the fandom, it’s like, well, we’re all ultimately on the same side here so let’s just break it down a little. Nobody’s engaging in fandom to be miserable and make others miserable. So maybe it’s ultimately my forced positivity, I dunno.
Super sweet! It really does seem to have been reflected in their performances as well, there was such solid friendship chemistry and a certain trust in the romantic parts. It was forged under such positive circumstances and is now continuing like that, and like, engaging with the fans too. it’s all just so pleasant, lol.
It was up in parts on Youtube but those seem to have been taken down. @dealanexmachina mentioned that they’ll be airing on Univision on the 17th, so maybe people can get another try at watching the whole thing then?
I know! I looked it up yesterday and this is literally what I said to a friend
“Wow, STILL #1 in the fandometrics! I really thought we’d fall and was only wondering by how much. It was definitely last night, lol, that kept us there.”
Definitely didn’t think that even one night of award content would keep it up there, like you said, I thought it was the daily content but just goes to show how much interest there is. With respect to the spinoff, I’m the same, trying to keep expectations low, or even frame any outcome as win-win, no spinoff = then no chance of them being ruined, spinoff = more of them.
But I really do get how people just want to hold on to this experience and this feeling of being listened to and acknowledged and making a difference. In so many other fandoms, we are the niche and no matter how important we think we are, we’re always reminded of our place at the end. But here we’re indulged, both in the story and by the cast and crew. It’s such a different feeling and I think we all know that whatever new ship comes along, it won’t be like this.