But i dont want her to treat her badly, id never want or expect that from juliana. Shes too much of an angel That said, i just want her to make out with valentina in front of her ? jdjdjd but i get u, i get u i just cant stand anyone who dares look at juliana weird or treats her wrongly or thinks less of her for absolutely anything hdjfjf

Oh, gotcha, gotcha. That protectiveness over Juls, I totally get. One of the first people to pile onto poor Juls and her motivations coming purely from a place of care about Val must have made it even harder to stomach.

On the one hand, I can think, well, she didn’t know it was a romantic relationship back then, she was trying to stop what she thought was a harmful friendship before it got deeper, but lol, no stopping friendships with Lucho or Sergio, huh. I can’t help but think Juls’s class came into it, which I don’t like.

But, people can grow from their mistakes. She does know about their relationship now, either from watching on TV or with Val happily skipping up to her hand in hand with a sheepish Juls and proudly reintroducing her girlfriend. I think at that point, if Chivis loves Val as much as I think she does, she’d submit gracefully and her attitude would change. Maybe she’d still gossip a bit with her husband but with Eva in jail, Lucia dead, and Jacobo revealed to be Leon, she can hardly claim the violence surrounding them is due to poor Juls.