Barbara is just so humble??? Like how are you that rich, can act, can sing, can move, have that face and body, be sweet, shy, laid back, sexy, chaotic, loving, chill, thoughtful, have a good fashion sense, empathetic, a willingness to be a better and more knowledgeable person, appreciative, like how can she have and be all that and still be so humble? She’s good people. I love her

I mean…yeah, heh. I don’t have much to add. 

Like, some of those qualities, being rich and being talented and gorgeous and all that, yeah, it’s cool that in a world where those things too often make people arrogant and disconnected, she’s so gracious and kind. But those are all due to luck, it’s those other ones you mentioned, that specific graciousness and kindness, the empathy, the willingness to learn and be more aware and better, those are what really define a person, the things you have to make a choice on. I don’t really know how she did end up being this humble and openly grateful to her circumstances and fans, but it’s so lovely to see.