why do i feel like i’ve just been broken up with by the love of my life? this weird melancholy of being happy juliantina existed but sad it’s over is the weirdest feeling i’ve never experienced with any other show before. it’s a break-up of something that was amazing and now I can’t contact them anymore or know what’s going on in their life lol

Awww, anon. Yeah, most of our…breakups are a lot more traumatic, either because a character died or they fizzle away into ignominy because of too many bad tropes and too little screentime. We got something that was pretty great and it’s done and that’s that. It was quick, too! I don’t know about you guys but just two months for me. And it was only four months from start to finish anyway. It’s wild what an effect it’s had in such a short time.

Like, first, let’s not ignore the fact that there’s still, surprisingly, a strong possibility of a spinoff, so it’s not as if it’s all over just yet. But putting that aside, there’s no way this experience will just stop now. The fandom’s going to linger, there are still the awards coming up and little tidbits that’ll be shared.

And believe me, it’s a lot better to end it like this in other ways. Clexa is the obvious comparison but we’re not done with those yet. Those of you who followed me for Juliantina won’t know but I loved Kana on the British soap Coronation Street but a while back it was spoiled that one half, the British Pakistani Muslim lesbian half, was going to be killed off. And we’ve just gotten the news that all but confirms it’s going to be on her wedding day. So…not to be all, count your blessings, it could be worse, but, count your blessings, it could be worse. 😛