Did they celebrate Valentine’s on September 14th??
But anon, forget the holidays (although I like how you just got progressively hornier as you narrowed in, lol), I want to know what happened even before the timeskip happened. I want to know what happened the moment the interview stopped. Hell, I want to know how the interview even happened. What made Val do it? Who did she talk to? Did Guille and Renata reassure that it was going to be okay? Did Leon? How many times did she have to recharge her phone after killing the battery staring at pics of Juls?
But then after, like, you can’t give me those AMAZING reactions of Juls and then not show what happened after. Who went to whose place? Was there a renewal of the pact?
And then yeah, fill in all that time! What about the major scandal after socialite heiress Valentina Carvajal came out? Did the gossip rags try to track down every Juliana Valdes and were unable to find Juls because of her absolute lack of paper trail only for Nayeli to sell them the story? Did that make Juls trying to become a designer super awkward? How did she become a successful designer in two years? What exactly is Val’s job, that had to be a one-time gig or it would be really freaking weird for Juls to not know her gf wanted to be a model.
Fill in alllll that time.