The whole soulmate thing makes so much sense for Juliantina Bc their chemistry is so great. You can see that they’re soulmates Bc everything is so easy with them. It’s so easy for them to pick up where they’ve left off, even after hurt and betrayal. They can’t help but be gentle with each other’s hearts, even when they’re angry. I can’t even deal with it tbh. It figures that all my otps are couples that have insane chemistry. It really helps along the plots and covers any weaknesses in writing.

You’re not wrong. I know some people might have wanted certain things to have happened before they got together, more processing, making up, apologizing, but then when it happened, the way it happened, I think most couldn’t help but be charmed anyway. Their chemistry is just off the charts bonkers. If you can just look at each other and not have to say anything and convey that much, yeah, you can get away with a lot.