So like… they ruined Molly this season! Hopefully they’ll get a season 3 and fix it up!

Yeahhhh, not really a Molly season, was it. I don’t consider her ruined, Luna was pretty clear about what she wanted. 

Of course, Molly could have stayed in town and shown up at the trial even if she was blocked visitor access, that’s something the writers decided to not go with. I guess they wanted to continue their drifting apart storyline, which was there from the start, we just thought it was going to be temporary and something they’d work through. Molly tried to be supportive but she’d had such a rough time of it before and seemed to want to catch up on all the fun she’d missed out on. 

Tbh, they’d foreshadowed it from the very start:


I don’t know if the ending implied they’ll come back together after this, having grown separately, or if that’s the end of that, but I wouldn’t rule out a reunion in s3.