what happened?? dont leave us hanging! also how do you know what happens in the show before the scenes are uploaded to youtube?

If you use a VPN, you can watch live as it airs on https://www.lasestrellas.tv/telenovelas/amar-a-muerte

The police arrived, a shootout starts, Mateo arrives and has to hide behind a car as bullets are flying, then out of nowhere, Juls on her heels rocks up and she and Mateo hide together from the bullets.

Jacobo gets in to the house and saves Val in the nick of time but gets shot (through the shoulder, so nothing too bad).

BUT THEN THE COPS DON’T LET JULS IN. She’s just left waiting for news outside. Then she sees Jacobo/El Chino.

do you think juls is really gonna go to Val’s house and try and save her from sicarios??? is this real life????? this is the highkey angst of my dreams


You know, I was caught up in the craziness of the last few minutes and the promo, and thought maybe, but after seeing the second promo (where there’s a whole shootout with the cops there too), I don’t know if there’s a place for her there in that kind of drama. And really, what could she do? She doesn’t know about the way to sneak in and even if she did, she’s not going to be able to deal with men with guns.

I just want her to be there to comfort Val after it’s all over.

Never let it be said that I can’t admit when I’m WRONG. Holy crap, I underestimated the show. 

I remember you’ve mentioned Jathea in one of your responses to an anon question. I saw one of their vids on Youtube that has 1+ million views.. I’m wondering if it’s worth it… Is it good? I’m kinda looking for other ships to watch while waiting for Juliantina episodes daily.

Sorry for the delay in responding! Um. I think if you ignore all the BTS stuff and just watch till the airport ep (around ep 23?), that would probably be the best experience for you. It’s a nice little happy ending. After that, things start becoming kind of weird and then really weird. There was network interference and it just didn’t make for good watching.

I know there’s a lot going on right now, but I’m stuck on the hospital scene, when Juliana tells Val “me encantas” (i’m crazy about you/i like you) and Val just lets out a giggle because she’s such a gay mess. Ugh, I love her so much.

That’s the thing about this ship, there are so many previous moments you can go back to that still mean so much! Let yourself be loved being a super favorite of mine to this day. And lol, yeah, she did say she always laughs at awkward times. ^_^

I actually talked about me encantas to a few people and I know I translated it as “I really like you”, and there are other much stronger translations which we eschewed to match context and character, but something somebody pointed out to me really stuck with me. 

According to @pizzakissingpizza: The phrase Juliana used was “me encantas” and it’s like a step further than just “I like you” because it implies that the other person is the one causing that effect, whereas in “me gustas” which is literally “I like you” the person saying it is the one taking the step. So it’s just really silly and I don’t know if I explained myself (probably not lol) but the bottom line is “me encantas” is way cuter, so we all died when she said it

I love learning things like that. 🙂

Dear Translators, I dunno who you are but thank you from the bottom of my heart. Todo, is much better since you and Juliantina came into my life. I want this to be my normal ?????

In anon’s defense, they wrote this weeks ago, I’m just getting around to posting this, but yes, thank you so much! You even get one of Val’s patented Ultra Stunning Lines™ from anon in gratitude.

For real, I want to thank everyone who’s stepped in and offered translations and explanations and context and been so welcoming and generous with their time and energy.