the silver gate is actually the neighbor’s house across the way from chivis’. someone did some fbi’ing and found the angle. god bless fandom

Damn, that’s some sleuthing! 

Nice space there, Val. Tsk, just text, you guys. Don’t let there be some misunderstanding at this point. Unless she just wanted to surprise her girl.

And another anon:

This might be a reach. But in the episode where lucho and sergio are stalking vale and find her at chivis house with juls you can see the neighbor across the street gate kinda looks like the background of the gif. Same color and height. So she might be standing by the car in the street in front of the neighbors gate…

Wow, this time showing your work too. All right, all right, I’m a believer. 😛

And another anon (including some future BTS spoilers):

That preview looks like the clothing val is wearing when she meets La muerte. She’s probably at camilos house 

The clothing part is I think correct, so…gonna be a packed next few days.