Honestly I found the reactions after every episode was aired very entertaining. Like, I shared their sentiments but it is just so entertaining watching everyone reacts.

Lol, what did you think about the reactions to this specific episode? Were they not more muted, if anything?

And another anon:

So I get that they need time to heal and shit, but aam ends soon WE DONT HAVE TIME!!

Heh, I think they’re moving as fast as they can!

And another anon (with spoilers regarding future BTS shots):

I know the spoilers show death being in Val room what if she’s there to get her back to Juliana to go to Barbara house to know about Leon. I also wonder when death shows up if it’s bc someone is going to die and she’s warning Val that Leon/Jacobo is going to die.

I remember there originally being theories that Val might OD, but now, Death is freaking everywhere, so it could not be related to that or even Juliana. I think Val’s going to go digging into things, Leon and/or Lucho related, and Death might haunt her. As @dealanexmachina pointed out, she’s seen her dad die, in the hostage situation she saw that one bodyguard and Servando die, now Lucho. All in front of her. If anyone has an unlikely affinity with Death, it’s her.

But lol, imagine Death being (again) responsible for Juliantina happening. I’d love that.

And another anon:

Despite everything, I think that Juliana was clever in asking for them to not stop seeing each other when Val asked for time. She’s aware of her screw up but she knows what she feels and she’s not ready to let go even if she’s shite at feelings lol she made sure she could be there and Val let her. The door is still open.

Lol, it was. She’s just honest about it, right? She just wants to be in Val’s orbit. God, from the start, she’s been so…one foot in. I love her, and I say this with love, but Juls has been downright skittish. Ironically, this weird friend area is probably what she’s best at handling. She’s scared of being all in, she might not even know what that means. I don’t think she’s at all two-faced or inconsistent, I think in her strongest moments (with Val), she really does think, let’s keep the pact, if you’re in, I’m in, this is just for us, I’m in love with you. Those are all true. Juls is definitely in love with Val as much as a person can be in love. And yet, how can one maintain the actions and life that comes with that when they’re so inexperienced, when every second away from Val emphasizes how wrong they are together–and in fact, many seconds WITH Val also do the same. 

If they had the luxury of not being kidnapped all the time and not having to face homophobia, she’d be able to grow into this relationship like a normal teen does, but it’s…been a hell of a couple of weeks. 

In her mind, she really did have a one-off thing with Sergio, she didn’t like it, it proved her mom wrong, it settled any doubts she had, now she is in a better place regarding her feelings for Val. Meanwhile, Val is of course understandably freaked and hurt. To go off and do that…oh, Juls.