to be fair, Juls does have a pattern of settling with spending time with Sergio when she’s on the outs with Val or at least when Valentina is otherwise occupied. When they showed up at the pool, Juls got stuck talking to Sergio while Val and Lucho argued. when they hung out when Lucia was kidnapped, Juls looked at Val and Lucho on the couch then resigned to going to make popcorn with Sergio. At Guille’s party, Juliana got stuck dancing with him while Lucho stole Valentina away. (1/2)

after they were broken up, Juliana goes to lunch with Sergio cause she has no one else to turn to. So it’s not a surprise that, when she found Lucho comforting Val for something she didn’t even know the whole story of (plus the fact that Lucho has free fucking reign of the carvajal properties, when she’s had to mission impossible her way in), she turned to Sergio. I don’t blame Juls, she really doesn’t know anyone else and many of those times she was literally just stuck with him. (2/2)

Yep, they really did keep throwing her in his company. Not only were they paired up as the spares, he also often deliberately sought that out. 

When you think about it, in this whole city–country, Juls knows her mom, Panchito, Milagros, Val, Lucho, Perlita, and…Sergio. Aside from Val, he’s literally the only person who’s ever offered her a sympathetic ear (whatever his motivations for it). And which of them could she go to with the issues she was having that day? I don’t blame her at all. And while the narrative dictates that this was her act of…whatever, if this were real life, I would be very pissed at a person in his position.