I guess I accept what happens, what Juliana’s error was (letting her insecurities talk her into not trusting Val), where she’s coming from, but….how are they going to reconcile after this? Val is going to be extremely hurt by this, and with the limited time left, how can they get back together? Or do you buy the theory that they will end as friends and get together after a timeskip?

You know, I wouldn’t have before, but now…maybe that makes sense. They seemed so much on the same page before, a timeskip would only deprive them valuable time of being together. 

Now, there’s quite a bit of processing to get through. If the series were longer, I could imagine them being able to do that in a few more telenovela days, but since it’s not and since they appear to have deliberately kept all this drama and escalation for now…yeah, maybe. Maybe. I dunno, when they talk, they talk so well, they just cut through everything. They could resolve things very quickly or not at all, it depends where the show goes.