Lol, awww. they are trying, aren’t they.
It does feel rather unfair on everyone involved, doesn’t it. They’re trying to catch up to something that frankly, our own media has yet to give us and they’re like…quite a few stages behind. This is, what, Willow/Tara for them? So early ‘00s level? (It’s bizarre that TLW, IMAY, and Saving Face all came out in 2004-2005 and then we had like nothing at the same level for like another decade, until Carol in 2015?)
Through no real effort on their part, simply making some core characters f/f and committing to that, they attracted all these people who’re expecting something so much more advanced from them. Although they certainly enjoyed the attention from those people, now they’re seeing what happens when those people bring in their own experiences. But then it’s really not fair on us either, as simply people, to have to ignore our own history with bad tropes because of someone else’s inexperience with them. What can either side do? Well, hopefully work together and learn from this, moving forward.