I feel like people watching this show sometimes forget Juliana is only 18. Straight up, every single adult on this show has said she’s no good for Val, it’s dangerous for Val to be around her and the most influential person in her life said tonight that she wasn’t normal. That messes with you when you’re as young as she is and you’ve never been in a relationship. I need folks to give my girl a break.

All right, let’s do this!

I don’t even feel like her age needs to be brought up, people on this show do far dumber things while being like twice or…thrice her age, Leon. What exactly was her big mistake that needs her age as justification? That she walked out and didn’t listen to Val’s explanation? I don’t love it, of course, they’ve been so direct and honest so far, but it’s not the worst thing a person can do. She essentially disowned herself, took three buses or whatever to visit, and Val’s with the guy who was trying to beat them up. Actually, even if he had been a perfectly nice guy, Juls is jealous. She’s plain jealous. It’s not about not giving Val a chance or not to explain, she’s just feeling insecure, for reasons we all know, and not wanting to hear it. She can take a bit of time to collect herself and come back to things later. 

And tbh, as you said, everyone telling her all that, I think a part of her is insecure enough to believe that Val might actually break things off and is preemptively the one to walk away first. 

And another anon:

I completely understand Juls leavin Vals house when she saw her with Lucho. Last time she saw lucho he was yelling at her and Val and being violent towards them because they were together, next thing he is telling Eva about them. She wouldn’t imagine Lucho would be with Val comforting her after everything he has done to Val. Which brings me to why Val was letting him be near her as well, cause he knows about Guille? That’s cheap. He’s done too much damage to her to be allowed being close to her

Oh, I didn’t anticipate this. I don’t at all blame Val for that, she’s gone through hell and her family continues to just leave her alone. Lucho’s a horrible person, always been a horrible person, but she’s always continued to see the best in people and as long as he’s just listening and offering comfort, she’s not really in a place to reject it. She’s just that desperate to be listened to and that forgiving a person that it can be him. 

And another anon:

Why is everyone worried about her “date” with sergio lmao if she was gonna go on a date it would’ve been when he asked her to get coffee and a hug. Like, ya’ll need to chill lmao

Those Sergio spoilers are finally coming home to roost, lol. I was prepared for a whole different set of asks, until the kidnapping in the promo. I guess people are wary because today seemed like the first time their storyline bowed to typical telenovela tropes. Juls walking in right then, then leaving and refusing to listen. 

And another anon:

Hi!! I’m clearly onboard with leave Juliana alone for one damn second (!!!!!!) but I just realized Valentina has to go through it all again too. You hurt one bb and you hurt them both. ???

Oh man, that’s true. Her PTSD with kidnapping and now Juls will be kidnapped, possibly while still mad at her. She’s going to be hurting too.

And another anon:

Val was literally like two steps behind Juls after the Val/lucho scene and they gunna tell us she didn’t catch up to her and stop her from leaving to explain herself????? Like was it cut off…wtf

Yeahhhh, this is one of those times I guess we have to suspend belief. I do think it was a bit contrived today, but still well within the bounds of consistent characterization. Juls could have simply been like, I don’t want to hear it, and Val could have let her go, understanding that she needed to cool off.