Juls did tell vale she was in love with her already in that cafe scene after the car scene, but I read that specific perversion scene as vale realizing that yes, juls does still love vale even though they are broken up

And another anon:

I’m not sure about the other anon but Juliana did say I love you. She said I’m in love with you after the car scene. For Spanish is almost the same. Even better because I love you could be platonic, but the other is just romantic. Val is the one that didn’t said it. She said my love multiple times after lucho and Sergio left but that I remember she didn’t said it to Juls. Val react like that because she didn’t believe Lupe was gonna do that

@poppin-poblanopeppers​ said:

So just to clear up the different forms of love and whatnot that they’re said to each other: Valentina definitely told her that she cares about her, or loves her platonically with the “te quiero” scene in the hospital, then Juliana says “me encantas” which is like I like you/fancy you, so anon is totally correct in saying that they haven’t said I love you to one another. Theyve said that they’re in love with each other “estamos enamoradas” but it’s such a huge and POWERFUL thing to say “Te Amo”

Right, I did wonder about how the cafe scene compared, but I wasn’t sure of the degree of it. 

@dealanexmachina​ actually added a pretty great response to my original answer, where she brought up a different and also plausible theory: http://dealanexmachina.tumblr.com/post/182675246227/you-know-what-i-just-realized-that-juls-says

@pero-me-encantas said:

i wanted to write up some thoughts on this too, but haven’t had the time yet.  I think it is affirmation of the pact.  Bc. in Val’s mind, she broke the pact.  But here she hasn’t, even though she doesnt feel they can be together with everything going on.  Here is Juls not letting anyone come between their love.  And then she grabs her hand…el pacto.  🙂 .  Just my thoughts.

Aww, yeah, that’s true. Val’s probably in a pretty confused place at the moment, first the breakup, then Juls still calling up to check on her, then Juls possibly in cahoots with their driver, then she’s not, then more flirting and a kiss while still not together. But this is confirmation that Juls really does still have feelings for her, really strong feelings she’s willing to stand up to the only person in her life for.