Well, it being a telenovela, the cheating just isn’t that big a thing, if people are even following that part of his story, I would guess there’s some tunnel vision toward characters and how they interact with Juliantina. And, well, the two things can be separate. It is a good thing to not be homophobic, whatever else.
And another anon:
Mmm…what Lupe did was awful, but can you believe how accurate her reaction was to this?
The writer does deserve a lot of credit for getting so much of the dialogue so spot on, realistic and in a way that agrees with Lupe’s previous characterization of really loving Juls and thinking this comes from a place of protective love, while also showing how flat out wrong she is. It is different from Eva, who’s very much about the family name and reputation. Which brings me to…
And another anon:
I think it’s interesting how we assumed Lupe would be a /little/ more accepting of Juls/Val given how they’ve presented their bond. If anything, Eva’s reaction was slightly better?? She did voice her ‘support’ (I use the term loosely) for sexual diversity in society, she only really gives a shit about it becoming scandalous for her family. Although she’s hurtful, Lupe’s words towards Juls were unbearably personal, and scary. Praying for those who have to face such treatment from loved ones.
It is interesting, isn’t it, we were like, well, she loves her, so much.

The audience would see that too. And yet…here we are.
Actually, I bet there aren’t a few people watching who might agree with her? That a loving parent should try to…help? their child and steer them away from this? Which is why it’s so important that the narrative has consistently shown her to be so wrong, it’s not even funny. If they see themselves in Lupita, they are getting an earful.
I don’t know if you can really qualify her or Eva’s reactions in a way where one is slightly better or less worse. Eva got super vicious in there too, remember, about ending alone, about how their parents would react. And in a way, isn’t it as bad to say, I’m fine with it in others but not you? Not my sister? I wouldn’t say Val felt particularly cheered by that general support for other gays, lol.
And another anon:
i am in no way defending lupe– she’s definitely homophobic– but i do think that some of it comes from a genuine fear for Juliana. she spoke a lot about what this will mean for her in society and how they will treat her and that Juls has gone through too much already with El Chino as her father. i hope that her love for Juliana and desire to protect will eventually turn into her supporting them
Like I said above, I do agree that it’s from a protective place, but–actually, I think you sent this before last night’s ep, when she straight up call it indecent. And I mean, she’s the one who kept Chino in their lives… Still, I think she will come around.